Maybe this had to happen…

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  • #197625

    I’m not saying what’s happening here in the U.S. is good, but walk down this path with me for a bit.

    Maybe this had to happen. No empire lasts forever, and perhaps the U.S. as it functioned up until this point was on that road. Change is necessary to adapt, evolve, and survive. But what is this change that we need to survive and move forward and continue to be the beacon of Freedom to the world?

    No more gray.

    What this 2020 election has done has shone a bright light on what has been lurking in the shadows of the U.S. for 70 years. Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Fascists have been working from the shadows to manipulate and transform this country to suit their nefarious desires for decades. They captured education, they own the media, and they now own the big tech that everyone has unwisely sold their souls to. Khrushchev had it right when he said we’ll beat you from within.

    Congratulations, you Pinko Commie Bastards…you did it…you won that battle.

    But now, in their arrogance and narcissism, they really think they have it. Like any Conman that’s been at it for too long, they have possibly begun to believe their own lie.

    They could not perceive nor comprehend the true grass roots support for President Trump, because let’s be clear, the idea of real grass roots for the Radical Far Left doesn’t exist, since they manufacture everything. To them, everything has to be manufactured and constructed. They are incapable of understanding that human beings are able have Free Thoughts and Feelings about things without being told what to do and think and how to behave.

    And that’s why they may lose this.

    They have emerged from the shadows one and all. We see them. We hear them. And, yes, we fear them because they want to do us normal people harm.

    Here is why I say I think this had to happen. In order for the U.S., and by extension the world, to evolve and move on to bigger and better things, this massive fight has to happen here and now.

    The final round of 20th Century ideologies that destroyed that century is being fought here and now. There is no going back. You are either for Freedom and Free Thought, or Fascistic Hive Mind where you bow and get your state approved download every day.

    This has to happen. Once and for all the Commie Fascist Marxists are all out on the open, and if Freedom and Justice manage to hold strong and win, they very well may be done in for forever.

    This is why it’s important to not give up and be defeatist. Yes, Biden may end up POTUS, but as long as the Senate remains GOP, then Trump will always have a chance to rally and come back even stronger in 2024.


    I’m done.


    Not so fast.

    According to this, PA will be flipped back to Trump.

    PA law states that all ballots (mail and otherwise) must be in by 8 PM on election day in the PA 2019 Act 77

    “No absentee ballot under this subsection shall be counted which is received in the office of the county board of elections later than eight o’clock P.M. on the day of the primary or election.”

    So all those dumped at 4 AM (?) in the morning the next day are null and void.

    Trump WON PA.

    Do not give up yet.

    Democracy and freedom are still within our grasp.


    Here’s the thing that people regularly do not realize.

    The Left has been unable to get anything done through proper legislation for decades. They always use the courts to get their chicanery accomplished. So for a bunch of PA Liberal justices to attempt to create law is not out of the ordinary, because for the Left that is how you make law…not through proper governmental procedure.

    All it takes is 4 SCOTUS justices to accept a brief to bring a case before them. ACB or Kavanaugh  are all that is required to bring this case to the SCOTUS.

    All the corruption is going to get blown wide open.


    A lot could happen in the next three months but the chances of Trump turning things around are slim.

    And while certain blackpillers may think we’re about to enter a dystopia, I see the glass as half-full. If Biden is inaugurated, his presidency will be an inefficient one. A Republican Senate still led by Mitch McConnell will force Biden to pick moderates for his cabinet and shoot down the most excessive and extreme of Democrat policies (that is, assuming they still have a spine. But I think Trump has energized elements of the GOP and got them fired up. Trump may leave office, but Trumpism has left its mark on conservatism for years to come).

    PR is going to collapse for the Biden administration. Eventually the TDS liberals will sober up and realize they elected a demented grandpa just to get rid of bad cheeto man. And then there’s Kamala Harris and the inevitable 2024 primaries…

    Screenshot_2020-11-07 Misheru Katorin ( MKatorin) Twitter

    For 2024, I think the Republican’s best bet is go with someone who is similar to Trump in ideology but far more refined and “acts” presidential. The MSM will have a much tougher time trying to discredit such a figure that would send low-information voters into a deranged frenzy. I’m thinking either Senators Tom Cotton or Josh Hawley. They’re both on the right track on which direction the GOP should go.

    If shitlibs think this is over and it’s “back to normal,” they’ve got another thing coming.

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