Modern Star Wars Toys

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Toys/Hobbies Modern Star Wars Toys

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    Lets be honest, this thread is going to be empty besides the One Modern SW toy that I did get.  I really don’t know of anyone who bought any nor do I know why anyone would want an admiral Genders study figure staring at them on their desk.

    Or maybe I am wrong and lots of you have some to share.

    I have a very unique Rose Tico Figure from The Last Jedi.  There are only 5 in the whole world right now that I know about.  The others are within the fire pit of EVS.  lol

    Remember when Ethan Van Sciver went on his Rose Tico figure kick?  Well he gave away 5 of the ones he did not make huff duster or blow up, drive over and or burn!

    I was sitting on his stream that night, he was streaming OT A New hope off screen that night.  I was lucky enough to have been 1 of the 5 people who got that Rose Tico.  The following stream was a John Talks stream.  He gave away a copy of Empire to one winner.  I guess the FORCE really was with me.  AS I wont that too.


    How do you take a worthless action figure and turn it into gold?  You have EVS sign it and do a give away.

    So now I have a Rose Tico Action figure that I absolutely treasure.

    And I wanted to share it with you folks here.

    Also didn’t see a modern Star Wars figure folder, which I don’t doubt will collect dust just like my Rose Tico!

    What a horrible character!  LOL  But we loved her long time!


    I am actually disappointed there was no Palpatine figure from Rise of Skwalker.

    I can’t say I collect “Star Wars Toys”  but I do collect Palpatine Toys.

    Yeah, I have Admiral Ackbar, some Lukes (Including Jake Skywalker), and I do have a Holdo figure… even a Jyn Erso… but they’re going to be

    props for some epic photography project that hopefully everyone will enjoy soon. (They better, I’ve spent probably 3 Thousand dollars in

    pre-production for it). I knew all this was going down. I knew it when I saw the Robocop Remake.  I knew it when I saw the J.J. Star Trek. I knew they

    were going to go after every hero, every franchise, and it was all going to be the same shit….

    So I grabbed as much as I could as cheaply as I could, and prepared.


    Holdo will serve a purpose, as will Jyn Erso, as will Tauriel from The Hobbit Films, and many other action figures… There will be a pendulum swing back

    from all this, and there, Ackbar and Palpatine will be at the center of it all.  Quigon cost me a fortune, but we need that drunk Jedi back for a bit to remind

    us of the past, and yes I managed to acquire a Donnie Yen figure, but Darth Maul was far too expensive. (I speak of 6″ —all).


    I am really disappointed that there was no official Palpaclone figure, because now I have to make a custom.

    But, I refuse to buy a Mandalorian or a Baby Yoda. In my presentation, Baby Palpatine will come, and it shall be Baby Sheevie who wins our hearts, and

    changes the world…


    The only modern Star Wars toys that I have bought were two lightsabers, one Luke and one Vader for my 6 year old son (not the build a saber versions, but the ones that play dialogue from the movies) and some of the Star Wars NERF  guns (First Order trooper and Poe Dameron’s blaster).


    Here is a fraction of my collection. I also enjoy customizing, making my own or preexisting characters.


    Imperial Inspection



    Since there is no “Like” button at the moment, I’m going to give it a 👍


    Damn Joseph.Fara!  That is impressive.  Please start your own Thread on this amazing collection!

    This thread is not worthy of such an epic collection!

    I give you two big thumbs up and a couple toes!


    Good stuff man!  Thanks for sharing that scene with us here.  Did you paint those too?

    I like when people set up scenes and stuff with their collections.


    Appreciated friends.


    You’re welcome Joseph!  I am serious about starting your own thread on this.

    Looking at the ranks and all those figures makes me feel like a kid all over again!  Thinking in my head all the cool battles I could have while setting up backgrounds and all sorts of cool stuff!

    I have a little secret here about all the cool toys I buy for my son.  I just pretend they are for him so I as a grown man can have an excuse to play with toys again! lol

    And here my wife just thinks I am a “good dad”.   Muwahahahaha, if she only knew the truth!


    Thanks bud! These come from the hasbro toy line around 2008 I think. They had better quality back than.


    Noice collection!

    Pretty much OT stuff for me, some characters from Force Awakens and Rogue One. Death Troopers are awesome.

    I build the 6 inch Bandai model kits, very nicely detailed and articulated models.

    There’s really nothing I find appealing or interesting to collect in the last two SW movies. Maybe that chick with the helmet that looks like a Mass Effect character but that’s about it, the red flying troopers are kind of ok I guess.

    Will definitely get myself a Mando in kit form if it ever materializes.




      Holy Cow!!


      I found my old JCPenny’s toy catalog from when The Phantom Menace came out.

      Star Wars catalog


      Havent seen that in ages. Any good images inside?

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