Mom warns about school’s keeping secrets from parents

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  • #266537

    Heard about this on the news yesterday afternoon. Very disturbing.

    Mom suing school over 13-year-old daughter’s ‘protected’ secret gender transition issues stark warning to parents across the country

    “This is happening all over the nation,” warned January Littlejohn during an interview on Fox News Monday morning. “This same protocol is in place in many, many schools across districts everywhere, and even the guides being used to dictate these transgender support plans that cut parents out even have the same language.”

    “This is a very systematic way that parents are being excluded from important decisions occurring with their children, and further, social transition is a medical intervention that schools are grossly unqualified to be taking these steps without parental involvement,” she said.

    “What the school district did is tantamount to saying children need to be protected from their parents, rather than by their parents,” Broyles told the Washington Examiner late last year. “This guidance that they had in place and their actions convey the message that parents are presumed to be dangerous to their children.”


    They’re also trying to do this over here, starting with gender neutral toilets in primary schools! Fortunately a lot of parents have already complained about this because it’s confusing and upsetting their kids.


    The deliberate mutilation of a youth’s mind and body without parental consent, with a growing number of that what did having regretted it and have reverted back (something the lame stream media does NOT want to report on).


    But that is only PART of the story.

    They want…

    Boys going into girl’s bathrooms/change rooms.

    Men going into women’s bathrooms/change rooms.

    Men going into girl’s bathrooms/change rooms.

    And of course, since they are not biologists, what is a man and a woman anyway?  Just a bunch of cells, maybe.


    While they are allowed into any bathroom (to do what nature calls of them to do), includes more than just waste removal from the human body.  And yes, there has been arrests of men trying to reproduce with unwilling females in females restrooms.

    So them saying such things don’t happen… well IT ALREADY HAS!


    At the very least, homeschooling is going way up as people realize what’s going on and take their kids out of these indoctrination stations. Alas, many parents are either still unaware of all this or active supporters of it


    “They’re also trying to do this over here, starting with gender neutral toilets in primary schools!”

    This may be a European perspective, but growing up in Europe, we had those, mainly because our school was tiny and things were just cramped. Didn’t bother anyone.

    Schools transitioning kids without notifying the parents on the other hand… that is insane. And I bet they do it without ordering actual testing for gender misalignment syndrome (anti-PCDH11Y, anti-NLGN4Y for example are very accurate markers). This should open those schools up for some big lawsuits.

    When will people learn not to send their kids to public schools? Homeschooling is the only way.

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