Montana Ballot Audit Shows the Risks of Mail-in Vote Fraud

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    Montana Ballot Audit Shows the Risks of Mail-in Vote Fraud

    We constantly hear that there is no evidence of absentee ballot fraud in the 2020 election. But one state—Montana—has been reckoning with new evidence of how well its 2020 mail-in election went. If the results from Missoula County are any indication, it didn’t go well.

    Someone actually was allowed to look!  So what did you find?

    State representative Brad Tschida conducted an audit of Missoula County votes with the assistance of the county’s elections office. He found that 4,592 out of all 72,491 mail-in ballots—6.33 percent of the total—did not have envelopes. That is a real problem. It is against the law to count such ballots, as there would be no way to match up signatures to verify that the vote is from a registered voter, and no postmarked date to determine whether the ballot was cast on time.

    That is an unacceptable high number.

    What makes the Montana audit so important is that it is the only one so far that has looked at all the envelopes in a county. That compares to the 100 envelopes examined in Maricopa County, Arizona, and the 10 percent of the envelopes examined in Cobb County, Georgia.

    ALL THE ENVELOPES!  That is how to properly do an audit!

    When asked about the ballots, Missoula County elections administrator Bradley Seaman had no explanation for the missing envelopes.

    Because they did not want to find, address, and fix the fraud?

    A random set of about 15,000 Missoula mail-in ballots were checked for other problems. Fifty-five did not have dates and 53 did not have their signatures checked. That equals a rate of 0.7 percent.

    Extrapolating from this sub-sample, and in addition to the 6.33 percent of ballots with no envelopes, that would amount to more than 5,000 Missoula County votes—over 7 percent—with unexplained irregularities.

    See no fraud!  Report no Fraud!  Then by their logic there is NO Fraud!

    Election officials are required by law to make video recordings of the initial opening of ballots and recount, but, disturbingly, Missoula County’s video is missing. The county now says it counted and scanned in all the envelopes, but the video evidence is lost despite multiple warnings, even before the election, to keep relevant evidence.

    And there were other problems. Twenty-eight envelopes from one nursing home allegedly had the same signature. Many dozens of envelopes had identical signatures, but the audit wasn’t allowed to determine the precise number of them. Nor did election officials allow pictures of these identical signatures despite multiple requests.

    So they broke the law, but the ends (sleepy uncle joe is POTUS) is all that matters, as they were not charged?

    Several close races in Missoula might have been affected by these problems. Only 190 votes determined the winner of House District 96. The margin in District 94 was 435 votes.

    Vote fraud in Missoula County—the state’s second most populous county—could determine some statewide elections. In 2012, the Democratic superintendent of public education won the race by 2,231 votes. Steve Bullock won the governorship by just 7,571 votes.

    And if the LAW was followed, the election results could have been much different!

    Concerns over fraud with absentee and mail-in ballots aren’t limited to the United States. Indeed, almost all European countries have much stricter voting rules to prevent fraud. For example, 74 percent of European countries ban absentee voting altogether. Many countries previously allowed absentee ballots until they discovered massive fraud.

    Another 21 percent either limit absentee voting to those in the military or to voters in the hospital, and that one present a photo voter ID to acquire a ballot. This pattern holds for developed countries around the world.


    But for some reason, the leasons learned in Europe, and the FACT absentee ballots ARE a source of MASSIVE FRAUD, the Dems refuse to publicly admit (but privately realize as they are the reason they are pushing it in the US)

    If concern about voter fraud with mail-in ballots is delusional, it is a delusion shared by most of the world. Almost all democracies require government-issued photo IDs to vote. Americans are frequently assured even this step is unnecessary.

    Do not look behind the curtain!  Believe us over FACTS!

    Whether the 7 percent gap in Montana was due to incompetence or intentional fraud, it is not acceptable.

    The audit in Montana will hopefully be a wakeup call before the Senate votes on election reforms. Without basic precautions such as photo IDs and getting rid of mail-in ballots, our elections are on course to become the laughing stock of the developed world.

    They already ARE a laughing stock.

    Just look at the reactions from Russia and China.

    Or even from some of the US’s closest allies.

    If election integrity is not FIXED, how can anyone believe there was NO Fraud?  That it was a free and open election?


      Let us say that 7% was all for Joe, as it seems everything went his way well if you take that out to all the swing states TRUMP wins them all in the Electoral and Popular votes. Even if you only do it at 3.5% Trump wins.

      Here is the simple thing, nothing is ever going to change unless people take back the government by force of arms…. If it happens many do not understand how bad that will be. Let me explain and try to put it in reality.

      Sooner or later people will finally have enough (History repeats itself) when that happens it will not just be politicians but anyone perceived to be an enemy which could be (Gays to include all letters) (Politicians) (Media) (Antifa)(BLM)(Abortion supporters) basically what im saying is people deemed as enemies of the country will be killed and those not will be given the chance to flee the country. This is not speculation it is again backed by History of what happens in a Revolution. The reason is simple ((You do not leave the people alive who caused it or supported it to get to the point of violence))

      Once it is over this will NO longer be the USA as we know it or knew it, there will not be a new or at minimum revised constitution that will probably ban things such as (Gays) (Communisim) (Facisist) (Abortion) along with instituting of the Death Penalty for act or members of terrorist groups (blm, antifa, kkk, splc or whomever they deem terrorist) You might see many civil liberties strengthen but (perceived rights revoked) “””Learn the difference between right and civil liberty”””” You will undoubtedly see some good things (Term Limits, Balanced Budget, Political civil and criminal charges possible for acts while in office Amendments).

      But this nation will be fundamentally changed and scarred, I do not care which political party you associate with or even if you do not associate with one. It is so clear the corruption is deep on both sides and needs to be squashed.

      There is a peaceful way possible still. The States have the power to call a Constitutional Convention and then force new amendments that would help greatly. Now it would still have to go through Congress but The states could if needed even over-ride congress with a 2/3rd vote. I would much rather see that happen then the alternative. I hope none of this happens, but the temper in the country keeps rising and History does teach us what happens when corrupt governments push it one straw to far and break that back.


      How long after the US civil war did it take to make every citizen feel welcome and part of the whole?

      Some will tell you that has never truly happened, as some are still stuck on that fateful event over 150 years ago, even though they were not there.


      When things finally get to the boiling point, I can see the US split in half, with a new “berlin wall” mentality between the two sides.

      The real unknown is how the armed forces are going to act.

      Are they going to protect life, liberty and freedom?

      Are they going to respect the voices of the people who voted to leave washington, or are they going to be ordered to crush democracy?

      Will this be an example of what happened to Czechoslovakia? or Will we get another Catalonia-voted to succeed crush by the central government, or will it be like the removal of free elections – Hong Kong.


      From my point of view, with the current administration and their agendas, it will be more like Catalonia/Hong Kong.


      The states are all run by cowards. There will be no Constitutional convention.


        Currently 15 States have passed Article V Convention of States act, 7 more last year passed 1 house and awaiting votes in the other which would be a total of 21 of the 34 required and there is as I type 23 others taking it up this year. 34 triggers the Convention.


        Every citizen is welcome, we know that. But “feeling” well people get butt-hurt for so many reason its an impossibility to answer. It is a crutch to many, not just the Civil war but also the Indian Wars, Japanese interment etc. Good way to blame everyone or anything for poor personal choices or responsibility is all it really is.

        There is already a “Mental Berlin Wall” in this nation and its festered by the politicians, media and social media “fact-checkers” I mean come on they fact check obvious Sarcastic Meme’s now even or one of the latest I saw was a Gas Station in So Cal had $5.00+ a gallon gas and the “fact-checkers” came out to say “Missing Context not all stations are that price in LA Basin” But I also note it is all geared toward one side of politics.

        Armed Forces and PD’s from conversations I have had with members will support and defend the constitution. But talk is cheap it will be the actions that tell the truth. A SUCCESSION of States is what I expect to see first and then we will see where the Military stands. Right now though when you bring Troops in to the Capital to insure a peaceful transition it is not Peaceful not Legal and many are saying is actually in violation of “The Posse Comitatus Act” Though the Guard and not Federal troops were used it was still use of Military when the PD should have been the ones used. As I keep saying Interesting times.


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