More Sandy Hook Information

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  • #221771

    Since my last comment was well-received, let’s go further into the fake nature of Sandy Hook.

    Now on to the school.

    1) Sandy Hook was an abandoned school. Know how you can tell? In 2008, by federal law, they passed the ADA act. This is for people with disabilities. Part of that act was the schools were supposed to be disability compliant or they cannot open at all. They literally cannot be opened for business by law. Look at this picture from Sandy Hook in 2012. The school is not ADA compliant. The parking spaces are not compliant. They should be painted blue with the proper handicapped designations. It was not open. Period. But you can see even more details which I will explain in a second.

    2) Now, look at the picture closer. Notice how all the cars are parked. The driveway wraps around for the parents and buses to drop off the kids. But look at how EVERY car is parked. All facing the school. It is obvious those cars were brought in and positioned for the staged operation.

    Where are the 100 police cars, swat, multiple ambulances, life flight helicopters, fire, rescue teams? This was supposedly a mass shooting for a school of 489 kids, 50 staff, and 100 rescue people. Yet, there is only 1 fire truck. That is it. My father broke his leg. They were going to fly life flight here to get him. Yet, they sent nothing to a school full of children? Put it all together and it is an abandoned school and this was a faked operation and drill.

    3) We have police reports that tell you when the “evacuations” were taking place. We also had dash cam cameras from police cars that they quickly removed from the internet. Why? At the times they said evacuations were taking place, there was no one evacuating.

    4) The school has no Christmas decorations. Now, I have 10 teachers in my family. All decorate their classrooms at Christmas. There is not one decoration at Sandy Hook. The firehouse had decorations. The town lights trees. It is known for that. But the elementary school does not have 1 decoration anywhere?

    5) Then, this is something I find odd, but it aligns with the rest. There was no internet service going to Sandy Hook from 2008-2012.

    6) You can explain one of these but taking them at a whole it tells me that school was not in operation. The non-compliance, the lack of internet service, the lack of people evacuating, the lack of decorations, etc. Then they destroy the school so no one can actually go investigate. This is not only shady but it is literally against the law. You would get a minimum of 5 years in prison for destroying evidence.

    7)  Then of course, CNN tried to pass off fake footage of a SWAT team running into a different school as a SWAT team running into Sandy Hook.

    Sandy Hook Image 17

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