More Trouble for Evergreen Suez Canal Ship, Now Being Held Captive

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    More Trouble for Evergreen Suez Canal Ship, Now Being Held Captive

    The world cheered when the meme-worthy Evergreen cargo vessel called the Ever Given was freed from the sides of the Suez Canal, but the ship still hasn’t left the waters there.
    That’s because Egyptian authorities, which control the canal, are investigating what happened and have said they will only let the boat go on its way after the ship’s owners pay them $1 billion.
    There are 25 Indian crew members on board, and the National Union of Seafarers of India has issued a statement saying they should not be held hostage. It appears the workers are being treated well.

    Is that a ransom demand?

    I thought only the pirates off the coast of Africa does that?

    And is this from an insurance claim (which is yet to get a dollar value for from all those other ships/supply chain disruption)?

    Does not sound like it.

    And what corporation has $1Billion dollars in the bank they can just hand over of such a short notice.

    I am sure the agreement to use the Suez Canal does not have such a clause it in.  (I have never read it, so I do not know for sure).

    It still sounds more like a ransom demand than a true penalty for disruption/rescue operation/bad press.


    Yea Im not sure I care anymore. Let the fuzzy fucks on that side of the planet fuck themselves for free.


    Well, the ship was finally allowed to leave.

    I did not hear what they agreement was, how much money changed hands, etc.

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