My Agenda for 2024

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    Seeing as I am 100% getting back in the White House in 2024 (I would have been in now if it weren’t for the slimy cheating Democrats like Sleepy Joe) I am sharing my agenda with you all.

    1) We will be completing the wall on the Mexican border, to keep out all of the SJWs, and Soy Boys. Reylos are weird enough to be exiled as well.

    2) We will force Daniel Kibblesmith to pay for the wall. He will also be banned from making Marvel Comics. Daniel Kibblesmith will only be allowed to make stories on sites like and the like. That’s where that kind of content belongs.

    3) Geeks and Gamers will be the new mainstream media and Brian Stelter will be demoted to meme status as well as a janitor for Jeremy Prime’s mansion (spoilers for #4!)

    4) Jeremy Prime will be given a mansion for free, and Brian Stelter will have to pay for it.

    5) To combat the threat of Reylos, we will be impletmenting a restraining order between Kylo Ren and Rey ‘not Skywalker’ Palpatine.

    6) The sequel trilogy will be banned from Star Wars canon, along with the new High Republic series.

    7) Rian Johnson will be banned from ever recieving a trilogy again. Single movies are acceptable. Remember that he lost not a movie, but a trilogy.

    8) All residents of the Earth must say this phrase when saying goodbye to someone. “Thank you so much for watching this video. Solo lost money. Reylos are weird. F*ck Naughty Dog, and we will talk to you later.” (Those under the age of 18 may replace the word F*ck with Frick if they choose)


      5) To combat the threat of Reylos, we will be impletmenting a restraining order between Kylo Ren and Rey ‘not Skywalker’ Palpatine.

      Rey will be very greatfull for that 👍

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