New to Helldivers 2

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    Who’s interested in giving it a go if you haven’t already? I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching Az, XRG, Kara, and 1/4 Black play on Sunday Funday and Doc and Timmy did a stream of it. Looks like a great time.




      I watched Doc play it solo today.  Seems like even randoms is way better than solo.


      Hey there.  I’ve been playing Helldivers 2 with randoms (lvl 26 now) and I’d love to find a community to play with.  DarthVengeant suggested I ask you, Vknid, for an invite to the G&G Discord server.  I honestly don’t care where I can find other members of the 199 and the fellowship to group up with, I’m just looking for a no stress, no drama group whose only goal is fun.  If you could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.  Thanks!

      And to Grabthar’s Hammer, I’d be happy to group up!


      • This reply was modified 10 months ago by EdwardLC.

      I’m frdeusrespect on Discord. I haven’t really tried to search for anyone via HD2 so we could start with Discord.  Looking forward to many liberty-centered missions. Having people on your squad using mics/comms makes a big difference.


      K, I’m Cylvis on Discord.  I sent you a friend request.


      @Vknid: Hey there.  I’m new here, but how would I go about getting an invite to the G&G discord server?  Thanks!

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