Next Nintendo Direct?

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      What are your predictions for the next Nintendo Direct and when will it happen?



        Maybe around August or September, but you know Nintendo, they could announce one at any time really.


          Exactly. I love how random they are


            I know for sure they’re gonna go detail on the Arms character for smash. It was suppose to be for the “E3” nintendo direct, but that got canceled and we don’t know when they’ll reveal the next info on Smash DLC.


            Also, off topic but how is Andrew an Admin but Jeremy just a mod? Should the owner of G+G BE the admin too? lol


            I have the undying hope for Golden Sun 4.

            Also the return of the National Pokédex would be nice.


            I usually don’t have any predictions going into these directs, that why I won’t be disappointed if something I was expecting doesn’t happen


              While not specifically called a ‘Direct’ by Nintendo, will the 35 minute livestream presentation of the ARMS character count? Cause we’re getting that on the 22nd, three days from now.

              Unfortunately at 7AM PT (9AM to a Central Timezoner like myself) so my nocturnal butt will be fast asleep when it airs.

              Fingers crossed for Min-Min to be the ARMS character.


                Hopefully, some news on fucking Bayonetta 3. At this point, I expect it to get cancelled but the last I heard, it’s still in development. News on Metroid Prime 4 would be cool to. bayyy


                  It gives him permissions he needs to work behind the scenes more. I don’t necessarily need that access


                    Good policy!


                      Ah cool. Got it. Thanks Jeremy!


                        What i really want to see is Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 remix coming to switch and Sora for Smash bros.
                        What we might get is more details for the arms character for smash and hopefully news on BOTW2 and Metroid prime 4.

                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jbourdeau.
                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jbourdeau.
                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jbourdeau.
                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jbourdeau.

                        I hope the Mario 35th anniversary collection is revealed and the rumored new F-Zero game and I hope we get more info on SMT 5, BOTW 2, Bayonetta 3 or even Metroid Prime 4 Metroid_Prime_4_Logo


                        Nintendo direct mini is happening today


                        Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster, oh hell yeah!

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