Nightwing is Officially Richer Than Batman

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    Nightwing is Officially Richer Than Batman

    Dick Grayson officially has a larger bank account than his mentor…

    That has been obvious for some time now.

    …at San Diego Comic-Con, (Nightwing writer Tom) Taylor was asked if Nightwing is now officially richer than Bruce Wayne/Batman. “One hundred percent,” Taylor answered. “Like, by billions. Bruce is now just a lowly millionaire. Nightwing is a billionaire. The difference, I guess, is that Nightwing is not planning to keep any of it. He’s giving every cent away.”

    How did this happen?

    Dick came by his fortune in Nightwing #78 by Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott. In the issue, Dick has regained his memories following the events of “Joker War” and has decided to leave Gotham City for Blüdhaven. Barbara Gordon pays Dick a visit to inform him that Alfred, who was killed by Bane during the 2019 “City of Bane” storyline, secretly became a billionaire after he became Bruce Wayne’s legal guardian. Furthermore, Alfred’s will puts Dick in charge of the fortune in the event of his death.

    Anyone reading Nightwing already knows this.

    Bruce Wayne’s fortune also saw some changes thanks to the events of “Joker War.” During the crossover, the Joker steals Bruce’s money. Catwoman steals the money from the Joker and later sends them to Lucious Fox; however, Fox tells Bruce the government is now keeping a close eye on his accounts. The end of “Joker War” also sees Bruce stripped away from his position on the Wayne Enterprises board after his public reputation takes a massive hit courtesy of the Joker.

    And the feds have yet to look at “HOW” Lucius Fox got so much wealth all at once, and why it was never admitting in tax filings, etc.

    You would think the IRS would have seriously looked into those irregularities.

    This is a serious plot hole Batman/Detective Comics have yet to address.

    In the mean time, the message it is sending about how one can get wealth and about wealth being stolen is BAD, immoral and criminal.


    You know what got me thinking.

    With DC Comics pushing for their 5G (replacing of their legacy Super heroes), I am seeing that happening here with Nightwing.

    Batman = (who for most of his days was a) Billionaire who fights crime and helps his city with his money.  And has a Bat-Family he can call when required.  Who uses his human face (aka Bruce Wayne) for public relations.

    Nightwing = Billionaire who fights crime and helps his city with his money.  And has a Bat-Family he can call when required.  Who uses his human face (Dick Grayson) for public relations.

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