Ninja vs YoungRippa

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  • #173314

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Ninja wants the government to force people to wear masks and Rippa isn’t having it go over to his stream    to help support him</p>
    link to tweet





    His twitter is hilarious!

    Absolute magic!…lol


    I’m a fan of YoungRippa59, he spreads the truth and we all should support people that still doing that, because if we don’t, soon they’ll be banned without warning and all we gonna get is Saturday night live and cnn stuff.

    About the masks, my opinion is if we live in a city that has many cases, we should wear a mask in public places to help stop the contagious virus, but you shouldn’t be arrested or harassed if you don’t wear it, it is still your choice, unless you live in a communist country.


    The opposite of total freedom is no freedom at all

    but isf someone decide to don’t wear mask then shop owner should be allowed to don’t let that person go in his shop !

    Full freedom doesn’t work only in one way


    Yes, I agree. The establishments should have a notice in the door telling customers about their own requirements/rules.

    But we all know that if it was the other way around, the lefties would create the next world War lol. For example, if an establishment owner tells customers that no mini-skirts are allowed inside, he would probably go to jail in the next day, I guess. :D


    Leftists are the most puritains and anti-what-they-do-not -like of people !

    if I owned a shop it’s would be the opposite : only mini-skirts allowed (exeption for people having dick between legs, there, no mini-skirts allowed )


    “OmG Waaat, anti-Tran! Anti lgbtqap! You sexist bigot. Someone call the pol… No, fuck the police. I mean, someone call the social workers! ”



    Rippa hit the nail on the head in his live stream this morning. When he replied to Ninja on twitter with a healthy dose of truth, all Ninja said was something about agreeing to disagree. Rippa said Ninja had no intentions to engage in a proper discussion with him about the topic. He quote-tweeted Rippa for one reason, and one reason only…to sick his followers on Rippa and let them do the dirty work for him. Ain’t that the truth!

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