Petition Requests Alternate Ending in DLC for TLoUP2

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  • #172469

      I think this “alternate ending as DLC” idea has potential — not only that it could be done, but that it possibly might be.

      What do y’all think?

      ” We want NaughtyDog to remake the game with the scenes they provided at every trailer with Joel and not rudely model swap him from flashbacks, we need a remake for the story or at least a DLC with a different ending. ‘

      The petition currently has about 35k signatures.



      Interesting but than again they’ll probably use the opportunity to say Joel was racist, phobic or even a predator.

      Ok that’s probably just me thinking the worst.

      It’s a nice idea but I just can’t see it happening.


      It’s a nice idea but I can’t see naughty dog backing down with their choices


      Imagine hating so much that game and naughty dog for it, that you want give them more money to them by paying a DLC


      Or how about an alternate opening where Tommy and Joel are NOT idiots and run away from Abby and her group.  The brothers and Ellie go from hunted to hunter as they kill Abby and her group.  If Joel never dies then the rest of the game becomes moot.


        I didn’t buy the game, won’t borrow it or rent it either.

        Still, as much as it pains me that people didn’t listen to Jeremy and countless others warning them about the game, I feel sorry for those who did buy it, who had to learn the hard way what was wrong with this game.   Look at how many people signed this petition, how many people want to save this game.  It’s so sad.


          I think that’s the primary request — a completely different story line that features more time with Joel, as the trailer implied it did.  I like your suggestion.

          Unfortunately I don’t think there’s any chance at all we’ll ever get that. A DLC  alt ending seems at least remotely possible…wishful thinking, more likely.


          Yep, I tried to warn them on facebook, you can’t imagine how I’ve been insulted, so all these people who call me istophobe or pro xbox, can just go to fuck off


          We will have nothing, and I don’t care, whatever they will announce it will fuck even deeper the fandom and lore

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