Pokemon Go Ugly Updates, I was WRONG

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    Pokemon Go Ugly Updates, I was WRONG.
    It’s Worse than WOKE I had to make this video because I completely missed something about the game that some of you pointed out. I did not actually know that the new character model updates would actually affect your existing Trainers. You also purchased skins & stuff like that & now with the new character update, you DID get completely screwed over by Niantec’s choice to employ a VERY shady company called GaymerX. I wanted to apologize to the ones I wrote off in the comments of my original video, you were right. I’m Sorry. You guys have every right to contact Niantec & voice your complaints directly to them.
    Don’t bother with GaymerX, they won’t care & they will get pleasure from hearing your dissatisfaction with the game. These people are not gamers. They hate us all. Having said that, I discovered a whole bunch of stuff about GaymerX & 2 CEOs, back to back have massive SA SH charges against them. They are also trying to use loopholes to avoid taxes & other stuff. How is it that we heard non stop about activision & whoever else when they are accused of SA but we hear absolutely NOTHING about GaymerX. Why do they get special treatment? WHY!? Thanks to  @HeroHei  for covering this topic. Thank you guys for watching. Stay Stellar & stay tuned for more videos.

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