Radio Signal Comes From Exoplanet

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    Of the thousands of planets beyond our Solar System (exoplanets) found since 1992, only a handful have been directly observed. In the rare cases where this has occurred, it has been in visible, or near-visible, wavelengths. Now, however, astronomers have picked up what appear to be radio waves coming from an exoplanet. Before you make an interplanetary-sized jump to conclusions, no this isn’t a sign of extraterrestrial intelligence. Still, it could be a significant milestone in the quest to find life beyond the Earth.

    Hmmm. I’m pretty sure that does sound like extraterrestrial life. Unless it’s the planet itself that’s alive and is sending off radio signals (Ego from Guardians 2?)

    We can be very confident Tau Boötis b does not host life. It’s a classic “hot Jupiter” – gas giant exoplanets similar to Jupiter that orbit much closer to their star – six times as massive as our Solar System’s largest planet, with a temperature estimated at 1,400ºC (2,600ºF). However, the Earth’s magnetic field is very important for life on Earth, having enabled our planet to hold onto its atmosphere by shielding against the solar wind. Without a magnetic field life might not be impossible, but would certainly be constrained. If Turner’s work is the introduction to detecting magnetic fields around planets more promising than Tau Boötis b, it could be a big step towards identifying habitable worlds.

    Dammit. Well it’s still interesting nonetheless (I still think there’s aliens though. Galactic Federation where are you?)


    Just cause we cant comprehend how life could exist in a gas giant doesnt mean it doesnt.

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