Raging Bytes

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  • #304946

    Yeah, don’t know if anyone has heard of or played this game, but Raging Bytes is a zombie apocalypse, pixelated, turn based RPG and a pretty decent one I might add. It was published by Kemco; they’re a South Korean company I believe, that makes a lot of basic RPGs, usually around 15$. Anyway, this one you’re of course fighting different types of zombies from basic melee ones to ones that have more ranged options and such. Each character has their own abilities, you gain levels and all, also you have 3 weapon types to choose from. Guns, but of course those have ammo and it’s limited, so even though you get rounds sometimes at the end of fights, you do still have to conserve. Also there’s ranged weapons, like darts, that have unlimited ammo, but are of course weaker. Melee is an option too, but you have wait until the move in range and every attack you do in melee costs some health, so you have be choosey about that too. Also one of the last boss fights is against a zombified president. I’ll let you all take that one from there. Anyway, solid game and highly recommended for anyone into pixel style RPGs.

    Thanks for reading.

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