Rutgers University is Getting Rid of Traditional Grammar

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  • #180921

      This is not a joke or a spoof.  Rutgers University, a college, is de-emphasizing “traditional grammar” to promote solidarity to BLM.  This is how insane the liberals have gone in America.  We are literally becoming idiocracy.  Here is the video about this below.  By the way, subscribe to ABL.  He does a really good job of breaking down current events.



      Hmm. Isn’t that kind of racist to assume that traditional grammar needs to be de-emphasized to cater to black people? That video about wokes and racists agreeing on everything is becoming more and more accurate


      Alright. So I am going to recommend something that you take very seriously.  If you’re wealthy, buy this set immediately, the original from 1898. (They’re going fast.)     (ALL VOLUMES)

      If you’re not rich, download it immediately and save it on a flash drive immediately and wrap it in some foil or mylar. Make copies. Start reading it. You will learn many things, if not one, where our definitions and language has slowly changed. Not to mention there are words in there that not only you’ve never heard of, but by learning about many of them, it will set you down a path of revelations about some things you never thought possible. Get it, before it’s gone. Save it. Protect it. Use it.


      And while you’re at it, snag this NOW while it still exists:  The J.R.R. Tolkien Middle English Vocabulary. Yes, he wrote a dictionary.


        Coming to theaters this christmas 🎬🎄🤣



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