Satanists convince Pennsylvania school district changed anti-satanic dress code

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    Hell of a victory: Satanists convince Pennsylvania school district to change anti-satanic dress code

    Satanists earned a victory after convincing a Pennsylvania school district to remove a student dress code ban on clothes that are “satanic in nature.”

    How horrible!

    The Rose Tree Media School District, just west of Philadelphia, had included a ban on satanic clothing, along with clothes those that are sexually suggestive, obscene or promote violence. But earlier this week, the superintendent issued a statement that the dress code’s reference to satanic clothing would be removed…

    As slowly, the others will be as well, no doubt.

    “Although we have had no complaints or concerns brought forward by any student, parent, or resident we will remove this language from our current dress code information in the student handbook,” the announcement read, according to WPVI.

    So there was no problem.

    Rose is currently fighting similar dress code wording – a ban on clothing or jewelry with satanic or cult references – at Garnet Valley School District, also near Philadelphia.

    Getting ready to spread your demonic desires onto the youth, you sick bastard!

    God has been removed from most schools, and now they are getting ready for the devil to move in.


      For decades now God has been forcefully removed from all facets of society and of course anything public.  How’s that working out?


      On topic, I actually believe in dress codes. If you are truly preparing youth for professionalism, dress is just a part of that, although I am surprised it took the Satanists so long because exemptions keep being made for all kinds of groups. Getting very sloppy. I see all of this as boundary testing. In some ways, I for just showing up, but after that, there is nothing wrong with instructors telling students to sharpen up and how to clean up. I have friends that are much older than me, like in their 80s, who tell me that, for them, education changed when they got rid of the wooden paddle and wooden stick. When they saw it removed, they knew standards would fall. To that boomer generation, that was the thing they noticed as little kids, that as soon as the discipline was gone, they knew it was over for education. Of course, they went on to flower power and all that.

      Off topic, on a blog I like to read, it is said that all of this started with anti-blasphemy laws. Once those were broken in the name of free speech, you’ve had Satanists restricting the speech of others ever since. The problem is, Satanism is a religion. Scientology is a religion. A buddy of mine said L. Ron Hubbard was a satanist and this is where I run into a wall because I grew up on science fiction and thought science fiction was just part of our culture. L. Ron Hubbard is very influential on other science fiction writers and I guess some of them vaguely wrote about having to get away from him. So, the point of the blog was that your society is never static and is always in a state of flux with ebbs and flows. It is either moving towards Satanism or moving towards Christianity, with no middle ground. Since at least the 60s, before you were born, society has clearly been moving into Satanism.

      It actually amuses me when I see boomers mocked now, but I was NEVER like that before. I grew up admiring the greatest generation and also, the 50s. I liked the strack look and the “high and tight” buzz haircuts. Loved the way the people looked in the black and white era. I love retro and vintage looks. All things that are classic.


      @comicsgate I agree that about the need for having a dress codes.

      In fact, it has been shown that if a school has a uniform dress code, the students feel more as a community, work better together, and removes the stigma of haves/have nots.

      Every student has to wear a school issued uniform of shirt and tie and pants/skirt, etc.

      Then the whole issue of too short, too revealing, too offensive, etc. is removed.

      Student would then worry more about their grades than how they look compared to others, etc.

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