Scientific fact now is unscientific, according to the woke Left

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    Scientific fact now is unscientific, according to the woke Left

    The Florida Health Department recently rejected a call to expand Medicaid coverage for those who wish to seek experimental “gender-affirming care,” which includes puberty blockers and physical “reassignment” procedures, because of the harmful long-term effects. So-called experts, however, say Florida’s decision is unscientific.

    “So-called experts” IMO have been just mouth-pieces of the Extremely Toxic Far Alt-Left.

    Florida’s program would exclude puberty blockers, hormonal therapy, “gender reassignment” surgeries, such as mastectomies and penectomies, and “any other procedures that alter primary or secondary sexual characteristics” from state-sanctioned Medicaid coverage. These treatments, the state argued, are not medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria.

    And what does the science/data say?

    The state is right, of course. Indeed, several studies have found that more than 70% of young adults who struggle with gender dysphoria at a young age grow out of it with time without any treatment at all.


    Moreover, as the state’s Agency for Health Care Administration noted, prescribed treatments for gender dysphoria “are not consistent with generally accepted professional medical standards and are experimental and investigational with the potential for harmful long term effects.”

    Treat the illness, and not mutilate the body so these sickos can profit off such mutilations.

    Instead of acknowledging Florida officials’ concerns and addressing the substance of their arguments, the scientific and medical communities have responded to Florida’s decision by pushing arguments that defy both scientific data and common sense.

    Respond with emotions and not facts.  What do they claim?

    …dismissing Florida’s evidence as “so thoroughly flawed and biased that it deserves no scientific weight.” They claim that “gender-affirming” care and social transition are medically necessary because, without it, gender-confused persons are more likely to suffer from depression or even take their own lives.

    Now to see the actual FACTS:

    However, there is plenty of evidence that proves the exact opposite.

    “gender-affirming care” actually increases the risk of suicide among young people.

    the “mortality risk was higher in transgender people who started gender-affirming hormone treatment in the past two decades.”

    Once again, FACTS show the harm “gender-affirming” care to youth creates.

    These results shouldn’t come as a surprise. “Gender-affirming care” goes directly against the laws of nature. It is irreversible and deeply harmful, not least to those who subject themselves to it.

    The fact that our scientific experts are pushing it so aggressively, and even attacking those who raise reasonable concerns about its long-term effects, reveals just how superficial their expertise is. They’ve discredited themselves, and we shouldn’t pretend otherwise.

    And the number of people who have come out afterwards wanting to re-transit BACK, and the mental and physical harm post-surgery that was NEVER mentioned before the procedure shows how little theses “experts” care about the patients, only the PROFITS they can make off of them.


    “. Indeed, several studies have found that more than 70% of young adults who struggle with gender dysphoria at a young age grow out of it with time without any treatment at all.”

    That’s because these 70%  don’t have real gender dysphoria and are misdiagnosed. They could have hormonal imbalances, mental issues etc.
    The fact that a bunch of quacks are quick to make a false diagnosis doesn’t mean gender dysphoria doesn’t exist.

    No longer covering medical treatment for a well established condition based on religion or politics is insane.

    Reminds me of the days when they used to kill people with down syndrome or other epilespy because they thought they were possessed.


      “Reminds me of the days when they used to kill people with down syndrome or other epilespy because they thought they were possessed.”

      Yeah we are so much better now.  Now we kill them in the womb knowing they are not possessed.

      “That’s because these 70%  don’t have real gender dysphoria and are misdiagnosed.”

      Don’t forget all the social pressure from the crazies. “Hey Linda, you don’t seem to fit in.  You should be a boy!”


      Possibly social pressure is a factor, yes. I recall some news story about teachers who tried to push some girl into becoming a boy because she liked playing with the boy’s toys and was kinda tomboyish. I’m sure the same happens with boys who exhibit even remotely feminie behavior, even if it may just be a phase or simple curiosity. Probably 99% of boys at some point slip into their mom’s high heels and walk around with them for a bit. It’s simple childlike curiosiry as to how it feels to walk in these things, but nowadays it would probably lead to some idiots thinking the boy wants to be a girl.
      All of these cases have something in common: it’s either teachers or parents or school psychologists who push for this treatment, telling kids – as you said – that maybe they would feel better if they changed their gender. That’s insanity.

      It’s such a tragedy. They push people into getting life altering surgery without even doing any diagnostics. No one does the immuno assays etc to confirm the diagnosis. That’s like a person with stomach cramps feeling chest pains and the doctors give them open heart surgery because they’re too lazy to do tests. Or in case of the trans issue for political reasons.
      What’s equally frustrating is when conservatives then fall into a knee jerk reaction of damning open heart surgery. No, the treatment itself isn’t the problem. But it only works for the right condition. Gender reassingment surgery only helps people with pathological gender dysphoria. If doctors don’t establish that diagnosis, they’re playing Russian roulette with people’s lives.
      Every doctor worth his salt will tell you: diagnostics first, treatment second.



      When I was little, I preferred playing with toy cars and dinosaurs and not dolls. The only doll I ever had was the Midnight Barbi which was only because she glowed in the dark and only the head was plastic. Dolls have always creeped me out! Thankfully my family was very understanding except for my dad’s mother who wasn’t keen on me playing with cars and dinosaurs and said that I should be playing with dolls on more than one occasion because I was “A young lady and not a boy”.



        Totally agree.  The thing is it is all intentional and they know they are essentially destroying people.  They don’t care so long as they get some use out of them first.


        Your experience as a child sounds very normal to me.  There is nothing wrong with a girl or boy playing with the opposite stuff.  We are all different in that way and it does not mean anything really.  But what we called tomboys (which was simply a young lady who liked some typically boy things) they are pushing them to become trans.  Which is insane and destructive.



        I played with cars and dinosaurs because they were more entertaining lol! Having said that, there was my mum’s Cindy doll that I kinda liked as well.


        Grade 1 teacher who said boys and girls no different in ‘gender fluidity’ lesson cleared by rights tribunal

        When a Grade One teacher at an Ottawa elementary school told her class about gender fluidity and that there was no such thing as boys and girls, Pam Buffone’s daughter was left confused and unsettled, the mother says.

        Get them as early as you can, so you can DESTROY their lives with their LIES.

        She and her husband eventually complained to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, alleging the school had discriminated against the six-year-old based on her sex and gender identity.

        Their DAUGHTER is FEMALE.  FACT!  But not to the extreme toxic far alt-left lunatics.

        But a tribunal adjudicator has just ruled the Ottawa public-school board did not violate the girl’s rights with its gender-themed instruction, saying there was no direct evidence she was harmed by the material.

        It may mark the first legal ruling in Canada on what has become — in the United States at least — a hot-button issue: the appropriateness of teaching primary-aged school children about gender identity.

        By deliberately CONFUSING and LYING to her about “gender identity”?

        She says the tribunal decision left her bitterly disappointed.

        “A girl can go to school knowing she’s a girl and come home unsure of who she is because schools are meddling with children’s identities by completely disregarding biological reality as a relevant and important personal characteristic — now with the full support of the (tribunal),” she said by email.

        Indoctrination of wokeism and ignoring science and biological FACTS, and the said that the tribunal uses is that;

        …would run counter to the provincial Human Rights Code, policies of the Human Rights Commission and case law of the tribunal.

        So, you cannot be a FEMALE, since they can force you to be anything BUT be a biological FEMALE.  This is how much they left HATES biological females.

        Quite frankly, there is an irreconcilable clash of worldviews in our society right now, and that is reflected in this decision,” she said in a statement.

        “Respecting the inherent human dignity of gender-diverse people, through inclusion and acceptance, is a very different goal than inculcating all children into thinking that their sex is a fiction or that they must have a gender identity.”

        When the left live in a delusion, that to them is real live.  Then have to spread that insanity to everything they touch.

        But the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board noted in an email Tuesday that the tribunal essentially found the board’s current policies to be in line with the human-rights code.

        “The decision affirms the importance of nurturing learning environments for students of all ages, that are inclusive and representative of all gender identities.”


        How many MALES have they in the past, are currently, and will in the future, mutilate their genitals on this sacrifice to the woke agenda?

        How many FEMALES will have their bodies/minds destroyed on this agenda?

        But health professionals who treat young people with gender dysphoria — the sense of not belonging to one’s birth sex — say that affirming and supporting those feelings at school and elsewhere is key to their mental health and wellbeing.

        And yet the mental and physical damage that “HELP” causes is almost never mentioned/talked about, otherwise the public would see how barbaric it is.

        Permanent pain.  High percentage of people who want to revert back to their original bodies after the mistakes of transitioning.  The higher percentage then the general population who self-terminate because of the mental damage these transitioning caused.

        The rush to fix a problem they created by making it bugger problem, is ignored.

        Instead of dealing with the mental issues of “gender identity”, they are trying to normalize it and stigmatize everyone else for not belonging to this horrible “social engineering” propaganda.

        Th extreme toxic far alt-left ARE a threat to western civilization.  FACT!


        Wisconsin school district sued for violating parent’s rights with Gender Identity Policy

        America First Legal and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty today filed a lawsuit against the Eau Claire Area School District in Wisconsin, along with its school board members and superintendent, over the school’s Gender Identity Policy and gender identity trainings, which allow teachers and school staff to hide student gender transitions from their parents.

        If they have to hide it, it is because they know morally it is wrong.

        According to the lawsuit, the school district “mandates that schools and teachers hide critical information regarding a child’s health from his or her parents and to take action specifically designed to alter the child’s mental and physical well-being.”


        “The Gender Support Plan and Gender Identity Policy lack any requirement to notify the student’s parents that [Eau Claire Area School District] is renaming their child or giving him or her a new gender identity. There is no requirement to notify the parents that their child will be using opposite-sex intimate facilities. There is no requirement to notify the parents that their child will stay in opposite-sex overnight lodging,” the lawsuit states.

        Because they don’t want to parents to know how they are altering their children.

        “I think it is just so appalling that a school system, and public employees, would believe that they have the authority to step between children and their parents, not just to implement that in policy, but then actually to boast about it in a way that makes clear that they have no respect whatsoever for the liberty rights that are guaranteed to parents to raise their children as they see fit, as guaranteed by the constitution.”


        Prior noted that policies like those in the Eau Claire Area School District have been seen in schools across the nation, and advised parents to communicate with each other, gather information on the policies and procedures of their school districts, and even filing Freedom of Information Act Requests when necessary.

        “It’s really heartbreaking to see how our public school systems have so brazenly sided against parents …,” he added.

        Because they want the state (not the parents) to be your kids family from now on.


        Now for some word salad:

        ‘Men aren’t playing girls sports’: Transgender students take center stage in Kansas governor’s race

        Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly released a new campaign ad in which she says men don’t belong in women’s sports…


        …simply stated that “of course, men should not play girls sports. OK. We all agree there.”

        But what does she not say.

        Kelly’s vetoes of the states legislature’s proposals to to ban transgender athletes from participating in female sports…

        Why is that?

        “Liberal Laura Kelly, in a desperate new ad, says ‘of course’ men should not play women’s sports. But she vetoed Fairness in Women’s Sports TWICE,” said Derek Schmidt, Kelly’s Republican challenger in the governor’s race…

        Because while a biological MAN should not be playing against biological girls, a biological male “identifying as female” Kelly WANTS to play against biological girls, creating an unfair playing field.

        This is the lie by omission Kelly is trying to fool the voters with.

        It is time to vote Kelly out, and protect woman, woman’s sports, etc.


        Sex Change Surgeries Are Now Big Business – At A Huge Cost To Taxpayers And Young People

        Demand for sex change operations is booming, lining the pockets of surgeons and sapping money away from taxpayer healthcare systems and young, uninsured patients.

        With medical professionals/industry in crisis after two+ years of coff/lockdowns…

        Those surgeries can be especially expensive for uninsured patients, ranging from up to $15,000 for just a genital reconstruction, to $50,000 for genital reconstruction, facial alteration and breast removal…

        It is MORE profitable to mutilate a body of a person suffering from gender dysphoria than it is to treat the illness.

        Gender changes don’t stop with the surgery, though. Oftentimes, individuals who go through a gender transition will need to remain on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for the remainder of their life. That can cost as much as $1,500 per year, with variations based on insurance coverage and price differences.

        So big pharma is in on the con as well!

        The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery lists estimated prices for their procedures online. At a cost of $25,600 for bottom surgery, nearly $60,000 for “top” (breast) and body surgery and more than $70,000 for facial reconstruction. That tally puts the surgery alone at north of $150,000. Add in $1,500 in HRT annually for an average American lifespan of 79 years old, and someone who transitions at age 25 will pay well over $200,000 over their lifetime for transitioning.

        That does not include the cost of trying to reverse the surgery and the cost of mental health (and those whom self-delete themselves because of horrifying surgery).

        So, a child who starts puberty blockers at age 10, undergoes transition surgery at age 20 and lives to be 79 may be looking at a total cost of roughly $300,000, if not more, over the course of their lifetime.  That doesn’t account for the various cosmetic procedures they may undergo on a regular basis to maintain their lifestyle, as well.

        Big Business indeed!  NO wonder they are PUSHING this mutilation so much.






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