I would say sixteen is an age of reasonable consent because sometimes life can find a way in unexpected situations, but it’s definitely pretty creepy for a grown adult to actively pursue a teenager (that said I’m not entirely fond of sex ed either because I see it as encouraging sex out of wedlock. Call me old fashioned, but that invites all kinds of social problems).
And as others have said, it’s not really the issue here. It’s putting the topic in some place where it’s not appropriate and potentially introducing kids to concepts they’re not old enough to really comprehend, yet.
Leftists in particular have a pretty bizarre obsession with sex, and part of their activism revolves around pushing their perverse fetishes as a “right” just to behave in a vulgar manner in public without judgment. They in turn have this equally bizarre obsession of obtaining the approval of children and often these two cases will overlap, which have included bringing children to gay pride marches. Complete with male genitalia on full display.
I am referring to extreme examples of course and by comparison this by itself is relatively benign. At best this is a somewhat garish way of writing. Any professional writer could’ve been a lot more subtle in a way that only adult readers would’ve gotten, so this just only shows how low LucasBooks have fallen in getting complete hacks to write novels now (honestly, the excerpt itself looks like something you’d find on Fanfiction.net).