Sky News – “The US is ‘weak and divided’ right now”

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  • #278216

      As an American, I find this painful to watch.  It made my stomach hurt, but at the same time I am not sure I can disagree.

      Another point here is the interesting thought process that Australia seems to look to us to be the world police. I don’t think that is exclusive to just Australia.



        I think the world looks to us for money and security the Money being the biggest thing. WE SHOULD CUT OFF ALL foreign aid until we fix all our Nations major problems FIRST….. Ya America First, but that is how it should be for all Nations… Them first then help others, you know like we do for our family “Family first”


          It’s like being in an airplane, you help most by putting on your own oxygen mask THEN you help others with theirs.  If you don’t do it that way then just everyone suffers.


          Ironically the US has fallen victim to the very freedom it bestows on its citizens.


            Its fallen victim to a cabal of corrupt politicians.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.





            The US is neither weak nor divided. It’s the best organized, most solidly ruled dictatorship in the world. The regime is untouchable and rules more than half the world.


              Not sure if that is hyperbole.  But I disagree vehemently. Is it moving toward dystopia?  Yes.  Is it a dictatorship, not yet.  Although the events of the last few days sure are evidence towards that.

              USA does not own half the world.  China does, almost literally.  The US has much influence yes, part is because folks want the cash part because we defend them with our military.

              If anything we owe so much money everyone else owns the US.

              The regime is by no means untouchable.  They fear the crap out of losing elections still.  The establishment has lost control of the narrative and folks are seeing the truth.  Which is why they are now pushing as hard and fast as they can.  The jig is up.

              So now it is a footrace, truth vs. delusional lies.



              The US runs virtually all of Europe (except Hungary and Serbia), most of the middle East, most of South America and most of South East Asia, as well as Australia, Canada, NZ, etc. None of these countries leaders would so much as fart without the US to tell them to.

              Elections? Oh please. The US hasn’t had a legitimate election in decades, except for 2016 where the machine stumbled. They will never make that mistake again. Elections results will be what Soros decrees them to be.

              The US is a dictatorship. Probably the most evil, despicable country in human history (and yes, I include Nazi Germany into this).


                You are entitled to your opinion but I think you are stunningly wrong and possibly delusional based on your obvious hatred of the US.


                You’ll see soon enough that I’m right. Either by breaking through the programming and seeing things for what they are, or when the government comes and drags you from your hut like a rabbit to the slaughter to either put you in a reeducation camp (if you’re lucky) or a concentration camp.

                Either way, you’ll come to the inevitable conclusion that I’m right. I hope for your sake it will be timely enough to avoid the fate of those dissidents who stay.

                • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Wisdom.

                The US runs virtually all of Europe (except Hungary and Serbia), most of the middle East, most of South America and most of South East Asia, as well as Australia, Canada, NZ, etc. None of these countries leaders would so much as fart without the US to tell them to.

                one of the most insane takes I’ve heard in a while, thanks for that

                Elections? Oh please. The US hasn’t had a legitimate election in decades, except for 2016 where the machine stumbled. They will never make that mistake again. Elections results will be what Soros decrees them to be.

                actually, nevermind. You topped it in the next paragraph. This just screams 11 year old rant about ”it’s all rigged and fake unless I win”


                What do you know?

                Did you ever bother to check the background of European leaders and who financed their campaigns? Macron, Scholz, the Finish and Lithuation prime ministers and many more are directly financed by Soros.


                Use translate for this one. This is a German news article by T-Online (T-Mobile, not a wingnut publication) which details how the current leaders of Germany were trained by US Democrats. The article even calls it “This was akin to a subversive activity in the era of Trump”.

                The article further explains how this led the German ruling Green and Socialist party to switch sides from Russia (with whom previous German Chancellor Schroder cooperated) to the US. And how just a few years ago the Greens went from wanting to abolish NATO to now calling for war against Russia.


                What do you know?

                Did you ever bother to check the background of European leaders and who financed their campaigns? Macron, Scholz, the Finish and Lithuation prime ministers and many more are directly financed by Soros.

                bro… what on earth are you mumbling about?

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