some of yall may want to watch this

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  • #188486

    Dont watch all of it if you dont want to but the first article covered is important. The DNC is already wargaming how they will overthrow the electoral college.


    They did try, after their empress ‘won’ the popular vote, but lost to the electoral college.

    Trump knew what he needed to legally win.

    And every time they cried about WHY can’t we just use the most votes win, people had to explain WHY the founding fathers CREATED the electoral college in the first place.  It was so that anyone who wants to be voting in, has to please the most people/states as possible.


    Now that they are so extreme left, finding common ground with the American voting public is something they can’t do.

    And how many other countries has the us/democarts been supporters of coups to further their goals?

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