Soros Mentioned and Fox News Goes Crazy

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  • #190457

      Do you still think George Soros is not a factor in what is going on?  Watch what happens when he is even mentioned on the news on Fox.  It is clear that Soros has his tentacles in Fox News now.  (By the way, the only reason why Kamala is a VP candidate is that she did not prosecute a Soros bank in 2013.  This is how a woman who placed 7th in her own state is a VP candidate.)


      Sinister forces are at play.


      George Soros is like Voldemort in the MSM. He’s old, white, and you can’t say his name


      That was very akward and does show that there is something behind the scenes going on.


      Neut knows his shit. He is still connected to all of the people who can find real intel.


      I guess it doesn’t matter to him what happens to the country and the world as he makes money and doesn’t lose money:


      Never had a doubt in my mind that Soros was connected to everything going on right now.  But I suppose it was nice to have this confirmation on video for everyone to see.  Yet still you could slap them in the face with 100% proof he has done all of this and have a notarized letter every member in the SC and still people would deny this truth.   This is just the way of the world I have found man.

      People are denying physical reality and video proof of so many topics that it just blows my mind.



      Harris is an idiot.

      That blond whoever it was is so stupid calling her an idiot is insulting to true idiots.


      They’re not stupid, they’re just shit people.

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