Star Wars partners with the CCP

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars Star Wars partners with the CCP

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  • #205096

    They were doing so well with the Mandalorian, the last Clone Wars season and the other recent announcements, it couldn’t last… why on earth would Disney/Lucas Film partner with the CCP…


    Because of how big the communist/china market is.


    Money talks, and disney is in desparate need for cash right now.


    And I heard this show is only for china audience only.  There will be no dubbing or making it available to anyone outside of china.

    The show will be populated with aliens and people of china decent/culture/references/etc, if the rumours are true.


    But Kathleen did mention that it would be canon… So it’s hard not to imagine some cross overs at some point. They should translate it regardless, I don’t mind at all that they want to adapt Chinese characteristics, I just think it’s wrong to partner with a fascist dictatorship.


    The rat may as well be owned by ChiCom. They will do anythin those fucks demand they do for that blood money.

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