Steam, PayPal blocked as Indonesia enforces new Internet regulation

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      I find this very ironic because Paypal is so censorious themselves.  But the thing here that is interesting is that this was all done , in part, due to protecting people from “disinformation”.  My point with that is this is where the whole disconfirmation thing is headed.  It’s just about mass censorship.



        “to protect national security and prevent the dissemination of fake news”

        They always lead with “national security” then put the other nonsense mindwash after. How many bad things have been done in history “to protect national security”? For the good of the people!!!!

        So, who gets to decide what is fake news? That is always my question with stuff like this. Don’t I get a right to use critical thinking and decide for myself?

        This kind of suck for me because I buy metal shirts from a guy in Indonesia. Top quality as well. I have used paypal with him for many years. Guess we’ll see how my next order goes….


        Indonesia is an Islamic country. Islam is an absolutist, authoritarian and anti-liberal ideology. Similar to Communism, Socialism, some forms of Christianity, etc.
        Authoritarian ideologies are based on control and shutting down opposition. Eventually of course these authoritarian systems will clash, which is something I’ve been looking forward to. Western style Socialism and Islam are entirely incompatible. Islam shares more commonality with Christianity or Social conservatism, but of course they differ theologically, and there’s the historical baggage of centuries of religious wars, which is why these two won’t become friends anytime soon.
        As the progressive West becomes more and more authoritarian and assertive, I have seen muslim countries start to do their own thing. Despite massive lobby operations by the US, Saudi Arabia is no longer a lapdog and along with UAE and others didn’t join the sanctions against Russia, despite Russia arming their arch nemesis Iran. Indonesia is starting to do its own thing, and in case of paypal is blocking what is essentially a US government run payment system, which the US has weaponized against dissidents in the US and in Europe.

        This is yet another sign of the entire world starting to crack down on anything the government deems against its narrative. The age of liberalism is fast coming to an end.

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