Stop looking for heros

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      No one is the hero everyone is looking for.

      People are just too imperfect and fallible.


      This does not mean people are not capable of great and heroic things.  It is just the fact that no one is heroic or great all the time.  This is beyond human capability.

      The statues people want to tear down are not there to celebrate the human but to celebrate the things they did.  So to dig into someone’s history to find things you don’t like and then upset by that is insanity because that is the story of every human being.

      Only God is perfect and while perfection is the human goal given to us by God we can never attain it.  Hence forgiveness. But the whole secret is to keep trying.  It’s not about whether you reach the goal but just that you keep trying to be a better person and overcome the faults we all have.  And in that struggle if we achieve remarkable things we know we are on the right path.


      Albert Einstein.


        Actually no.  He was sort of a d!ck when it came to the ladies.  He left his first wife (and kids) for his cousin whom he married and then apparently messed around on her too with multiple women.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.
        • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.

          I will never understand the need for people to have or “need” a hero. I never cared about that. Humans are disappointing.


          I find it healthier to view hero figures as something aspirational or inspiring. It’s the human spirit, to persevere and overcome adversity.

          Unfortunately, most people prefer saviors to role models. People are lazy and frightful, so they don’t really want to save themselves.



            I tend to agree that we should concentrate on the good, heroic and inspirational actions of folks.  In fact, if you understand that to be human is to be weak, frail and error prone you have a greater appreciation for the great things average people do.

            The mistake is made when you put a human on a pedestal and expect perfection.  That is an unreasonable expectation for anyone outside of God. And as such no one should be let down or upset when they find that someone who has done great things was also an average joe when it came to some other things.

            Just because Einstein made poor choices when it came to his personal life we do not toss his equations out the window.  His work is just as great regardless of his mistakes. And that should be the case with anyone who rises above mediocrity and does something amazing.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.
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