Succubus Developers Banned from Youtube !

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    Before we start, one thing first; I am not associated with GeeksandCNNmemers in any way, and Censorship is bad ! (Also, I am not working for Madmind Studio)

    The Developers of the Hell  themed Games “Agony”, “Agony unrated” and the upcoming Succubus
    have been banned from Youtube:  “This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy on nudity or sexual content. Think about it when you see real sex or naked rockstars jumping around on youtube, in videos that have been longer on than Trump was in office ;) The devs had blurred videos of the game, nothing bad to see here, and some where you saw a full naked succubus. These could have been removed by T without killing the account but oh well, after all, its Corpotube now. The Official Twitter was also nuked (

    Remember: These are the developers that were forced in the past by so called game urinalists to censor their own previous game, “Agony”,
    making it a joke of the vision the company had. Creative Freedom shouldn’t be supressed by big Tech and corpos imo.

    Agony was intended for adults, as it should be. Luckily they later released an unrated version which can be found on steam, too.

    For Succubus, there is a demo available. If you would like to hack and slash your way through Hell in the Ego Perspective as a naked female demon, this is the game for you. Since Ive tried the demo, I can say, it really is horrendous like a good 70s Horror movie at times. A 2nd Demo will be released soon. I cannot say its a good idea to present this game as a streamer on youtube or twitch, if you try the uncensored games, you might be banned. Since these platforms are filled with “sensitive” people for some reason. But the game is radical, and gory, and nightmare inducing. Only play the game if you are an adult and can stand some shocking blood and guts times.  Madmind has 2 more horror games in the making; “Paranoid” and “Tormentor”. The 2nd one is even for me to much horror.

    You can find Madmind Studio here:

    Succubus Twitter account:

    Madmind on Facebook:

    And the Succubus Demo here:

    Ps: Blizzard’s Diablo 2 Resurrected might be more up to date graphics wise, but its now heavely censored (For their Chines Overlords)
    So if your miss demon boobies, Succubus might help you get your fix.

    Update: They backed their much more tame videos to new accounts to avoid account termination again:

    Maybe you can help spread the word, so the devs get more support. They try risks, fresh takes, and shake the clean and boring AAA game industry.

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