Sword Collecting

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Toys/Hobbies Sword Collecting

  • This topic has 13 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Hazu.
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    Anyone here collect swords or display weapons?


      Does making Knives count :)
      Havent done a sword in years, but some call my Arkansas Toothpick a sword.


        In my dreams, I have a vast collection of swords from all over the galaxy second only to Deadpool’s weapon collection

        In reality, I have a toy light saber, a plastic samurai sword, and a couple of rulers I brought to battle in middle school 😂😂


        I have a 34″ wall hanger behind me. Fucking edges were not even ground in; just 1/16″ of flat steel along the sides. Also since it wasnt ground right it weigs more than 5# for a blade that should weigh less than 3.

        Also have a 40″ that was made close to correct. The crossguard is a bit sloppy which is the only defect. that one has a nice hand made wooden scabard the ex father in law made for it with a sword belt.


          Ok, Here are Four of mine, 3 in my collectors case :)









            @Krista Novva not a sword exactly but does……..THE DRAGON DAGGER count as a sword


            And No I haven’t figured out how to summon the Dragonzord Yet? But when I do……Dragonzord is gonna chase some SJWs around while the Bulk and Skull music play in the background lol 😂😀


              I have a life size steel replica of Sephiroth’s Muramasa, next to a silly mall knockoff display sword

              That’s all I am willing to share




                I want this. If only I had unlimited money. $650 is a lot for a display piece.



                I once had the opportunity to buy this. I was on vacation at the time, and had NO idea how to get it home.

                I had the damn thing IN MY HAND! I am still kicking myself for it. Its not a perfect replica, but it was life size. Very heavy.



                Swords you ask?  I have a few.

                Maybe a couple display models.  But most of what I have are carbon steel weapons.  Not sure if you want me to list them?  I could if you like.

                AISI 5160 carbon steel for the longsword, bastard swords and most standard European swords.

                AISI 10xx carbon steel for my Japanese style swords.  A bigger fan of the European swords, as that is what I grew up around and have the most experience with.

                My father was a black smith by trade.  So growing up around that I tended to gather a few swords over the years.

                Here is one pile.

                Sword collection some




                Do lightsabers count?



                The people I know who do are into the Japanese style of sword. I like the rapier and others. Seen some footage on youtube of a guy with rapier and dagger, the two weapons and his tactics were fascinating. Top skill. I’m into Dune a lot. The Fremen all have knives. Blades are just so cool.

                • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by comicsgate.

                Really late on the topic, however I do collect swords. The first one is a beastmaster replica made by a reputable smith. It was made to be able to stand up to some abuse as the blade has no edge. The sheath was made out of ash wood and is almost as hard as steel. It is wrapped and stitched over by a leather covering to protect the wood from any damage. This sword was around two thousand USD. All the fittings are made of steel, three 2mm steel tang pins were used to secure the tang of the blade within the oak shaft handle. 20220215_19511620220215_19505520220215_19503920220215_195109


                that looks great man

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