The Advantages and Disadvantages of both Mediums

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  • #185601

    What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Anime, Manga, and Western Entertainment such as American and British TV Shows, Movies, and Cartoons.


    -Anime and Manga:
    1.It’s Pro-Consumer(mostly Pro-First Consumer).
    2.There’s a zero-tolerance policy on alienating fans.
    3.It’s Pro-Good Storytelling.
    4.It’s a Meritocracy.
    5.Superb Storytelling, Concepts, Artwork, Worldbuilding, etc.
    6.Japan lacks Outrage and PC Culture and are against Outrage Culture and Political Correctness.
    7.They make money the right way.
    1.The Storytelling can be complicated for some people to disgest.
    -Western Entertainment:
    1.It’s the most attracted and prefered Medium of the World.
    2.It gets the most attention.
    1.It’s runned by and filled with Selfish Morons, Cowards, Drug Addicts, Perverts, Pedophiles, and Degenerates.
    2.They make money the wrong way.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.

    I disagree with everything you say regarding the storytelling in anime and manga. To start, this is what I perceive is bad about the story telling generally (i.e. the disadvantages of anime/manga):

    1. Too much filler. The excessive filler definitely distracts the reader/viewer from the main plot and dilutes the intensity that it may be trying to build up.

    2.  Most anime/manga stories have too much comedic relief which makes it hard to take the characters seriously and ultimately the plot seriously.

    3. Over-dramatization which includes unrealistic responses a character would have to an event that can disengage the viewer. (Viewers/readers are most immersed when they can relate to the person and/or scenario.)

    4. Plot armor from HELL. ‘Just makes anyone who’s not an anime/manga fanatic give zero shits about the protagonist.

    Of course there are exceptions. I haven’t watched what I consider to be a serious anime in a long time to give a strong example, but out of memory, I remember Princess Mononoke and Devil Man sticking to their story lines without there being too many unrelated side events and character kookiness.


    Here’s a few to add about western comics/animation. Maybe I’ll add a few more later when I think of them. I primarily just wanted to respond to your own thoughts. You obviously don’t like Western mediums and that’s jolly.


    1. Variety in art styles.

    2. Wide variety of story themes and archs to choose from.

    3. Includes “Superb Storytelling, Concepts, Artwork, Worldbuilding, etc.”


    1.  Unbalanced marketing of distributers. (There are too many great underground western comics that should be more well known.)

    2.  Over-inflation of the superhero genre (there’s much more to look at in these mediums other than a guy/gal in a cape).


    Maybe you’re right although I wasn’t an Anime Fan before that I don’t like Western Entertainment because the route that they decided to go to and the people encharge of the Western Entertainment Industry are they’re selfish out of touch morons, cowards, drug addicts, and Degenerates that like to make money the wrong way. Although there Western Entertainment that I like mostly Classic Western Entertainment as well some Modern Western Entertainment not the majority(mostly the His Dark Materials TV Show, Project Power, Shazam, Aquaman, Wonder Woman). There are some Underground Western Entertainment that I am interested such Inglewood, Cyberfrog, Jawbreakers, and Downcast. I’ll agree with you that Western Entertainment have good storytelling, concepts, Worldbuilding, etc. well it’s mostly Classic Western Entertainment, Underground Western Entertainment, and some Modern Western Entertainment. But as for most modern Western Entertainment, they have become nothing more than PC Tweets for the Far-Left.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.


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