The Climate Change Lie

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  • #196163

      Climate Change is a lie to bring about 2 things:

      1) Redistribute massive amounts of wealth to foreign nations and those nations are giving our politicians major kickbacks.

      2) Force the population from rural areas into urban areas. In urban areas, a surveillance state has been established for the past 30 years. 9/11 was a HUGE piece of the puzzle. Trillions flowed into developing systems to keep the populace suppressed.

      Their plans for this nation and world are insidious and make no mistake, you are seeing a plan unfold right before your eyes.  But they didn’t factor in Trump.  That is why the Democrats, Deep State, and RINOs are all working together to oust one man.


      more chance John F. Kennedy Jr making a comeback than climate change happening, slim to none


      What does scare me is…


      Since Trump is a once in a generation type of individual, once his second term ends, then what?

      They will make sure they infiltrate the other side so that no matter who wins in 2024, it will be one of “their people”.  Those in the senate and congress will be “their people”.

      That is, if they can’t wait that long and start an open, civil war in the us to make sure freedom and the republic of the US does not last to 2024.


      We are already seeing the dry run of that taking place in the US.

      The FBI and CIA have had how many decades doing that to other nations, and obama got right of the law where they could not do that on US soil. (someone can please make reference to that).


        I have long said that Mike Pence is probably the most important person in government right now.  The man is very stable.  He would be an absolutely excellent leader for America after Trump.

        Obama essentially made propaganda legal in America.  The Defense Authorization Act had a much more significant act buried deep inside it, under layers of legislation — the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act.  Signed by President Barrack Obama and introduced by two congressmen, Adam Kinziger (Republican) and Ted Lieu (Democrat), this act is meant to combat “foreign disinformation and manipulation”, but what it also did is effectively allow black operations on American soil.


        The left is going to run Dwayne Johnson The Rock or someone like that next time to match the enthusiasm that Trump had and Pence wouldn’t have the same level of energy as someone like that. I think Tucker Carlson should run after Trump, or Donald Trump Jr. Tucker is a charismatic nationalist who already reaches millions of people every day and has an established base. Unless Pence goes back to the more talkative, dominant version of himself like when he was on the radio he doesn’t have a chance, and he would need to change into that role instantly during the last year of him being a VP which would be weird and look fake.


        If we dont drain the swamp this country will be finished by 2030. We will be sold into slavery by some random fuck on the dole to ChiComs and while we suffer that fuck will pretend its all good.


        What do you think people like clinton, obama, and biden and pelosi are doing?

        They care only for thier personally comform, and they don’t give a damn about the citizens they are sworn to serve.

        They want everyone to be so dependant on the government for everything, they will be willing SLAVES.

        That is what the socialist, marxists, communists all want in the end.

        And they are attacking on so many fronts, that unless the west wakes us, the sacrifices people made in WW1 & WW2 for freedom will be for not.

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