The Empowered Appreciation Post

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Comics The Empowered Appreciation Post

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    I’ve been a huge fan of Adam Warren’s work since his Gen 13: Bootleg run and Empowered is one of the comic I’m currently going to when I have some down time. Since it is legally free to read I thought I should share the link to the site and maybe make new fans of this charming and funny story, or maybe find older fans out there.

    If you like it, try to buy it.



    I love Adam Warren so much.

    He does really good work.  My local comic stores know to put anything he does in my pull list right away.


    Man of culture! Awesome! I’m hunting down the trades. Dark Horse is dumb and haven’t reprinted them in a while.


    His style is distinctly familiar…did he do any Dirty Pair back in the day?


    That’s the guy!

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