The Everything Christmas/New Year (2023/2024) Thread

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    Well folks, we’ve made it to another one! Here’s wishing everyone a Bright and Prosperous New Year!




    Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 17-41-41 2023-yesterday.jpeg (JPEG Image 494 × 494 pixels)



    My brain is still on May and the King’s Coronation🤣! Then I have to remember that it’s January 2024 and not May 2023🙄…




    @DragonLady I recall that. Seems not much has happened since then. seems like it’s always some weird stuff with these guys. It’s never really regal power. Like, they mention population while importing more than ever before. Always double think and double speak. I could care less gender or background of any royal, but it would be something if we ever got like a real leader. One that was bold.




    Tbh, I’m not really a massive fan of Charles. Him being King makes no difference to me. I liked Elizabeth and I also think that they should’ve just skipped to William since poor Charles probably won’t be on for very long anyway. Harry and That Witch of a wife of his I’ve not very polite things to say about. Other than please remove their titles and their kid’s (if they exist at all) titles.





      I had mad respect for Queen Elizabeth. I used to like Diana back in the day.  The rest of them I don’t care for at all and the obsession with Markle makes me gag.  Charles I have always had a severe disrespect for.

      However, I am not from the UK.  So my opinion is my own and does not really mean anything.


      @DragonLady Will and Kate are class all the way. They came out great. I have no issues with Charles except this, Sadiq Khan says it’s just part of living in the city when folks are stabbed. I’d like just once in our lives, to see some strength from a Royal and for them to flip Sadiq’s statement. Benchmark a Singapore model and put looters and stabbers on notice that it’s just part of living in the UK that you get cane stick beaten if you engage in crime.

      I am biting my tongue hard because there are other things to post regarding that, but I do not want to do it on this thread.




      I only put this vid here because it mentions Prince Harry might replace Charles as King. I hope not. If that happens, I’m pretty sure there’d be a riot like we never seen since Mari-Antoinette. Plus, I’d leave the UK if that happens.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by DragonLady.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by DragonLady.

      Again, you know, there are things I don’t want to talk about, but sometimes, buttons are pushed.

      With such severe population and demographic changes, I just wonder how much the throne even matters?



      What angered me was how the First Minister of Scotland went on a VERY racist rant and it was swept under a rug and never talked about by the media. News flash; if you don’t like it here, you can clear off mate😡!


        The UK should be the alarm bell for everyone.  (as well as are other parts of Europe)

        But the religion does not matter.  What matters is that you have a large swath of your population that came in hard and fast which dilutes the culture of the current country.  So different values, different goals and different moral code.    Normally those things are fine with controlled immigration because people coming in would assimilate.  But when they come in from all over by the thousands a day there is no assimilation.  And that is intentional. Without those things in common there is no country.

        This has harmed the UK in many ways in my perception.  And at some point the UK will only be a nebulous blob that refers to a spot on the globe.

        This is happening to the USA as well.  The same way for the same reason.

        The thing no one talks about is how draining these other countries of population harms those countries.  And how encouraging them to (yes I promise you there are NGOs on the ground helping people to make it) make a dangerous and horrible journey that they could and often die on. They aren’t trying to help these folks they are just using them to dissolve our borders from within.  They care nothing for them.

        The USA is running the largest human trafficking operation in the world. This is criminal, immoral and treasonous.


        Merry Christmas again.

        I didn’t even know this and never think about it.





        @comicsgate great information there.

        There are also variances in the West. For some the religious aspect of the season extends well beyond Christmas Day. As part of Advent, the 12th Day of Christmas, Feast of the Epiphany lands on January 6 each year.

        As for the decorations/superstition thing…I usually take my decorations down on January 15th.


        Twelfth Night (holiday)
        Date: 5 or 6 January

        Twelfth Night (also known as Epiphany Eve depending upon the tradition) is a Christian festival on the last night of the Twelve Days of Christmas, marking the coming of the Epiphany.[1] Different traditions mark the date of Twelfth Night as either 5 January or 6 January, depending on whether the counting begins on Christmas Day or 26 December January 6 is celebrated as the feast of Epiphany, which begins the Epiphanytide season.

        A superstition in some English-speaking countries suggests it is unlucky to leave Christmas decorations hanging after Twelfth Night, a tradition also variously attached to Candlemas (which marks the end of Epiphanytide on 2 February), as well as Good Friday, Shrove Tuesday, and Septuagesima. Other popular customs include eating king cake, singing Christmas carols, chalking the door, having one’s house blessed, merrymaking, and attending church services.

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