The last kingdom Season 5

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      This is what all Movies or TV Series should aspire to be like, This was great story with characters who were flawed and human they made mistakes some died some lived.

      It did not have any Agenda Politics, No ticking the boxes for race, color, sex and certainly no Mary-sue. Take note Hollywood, without those things we got a great story that took us away from reality and invested us in all of them, because of who they were, not what we had shoved down our throat by you.

      I do not want to spoil it, any of it, but I laughed and cried even in this final season, I was surprised by things that happened. It had redemption, it had finality and it wrapped up the story lines even if some of them tore our heart out while others made us smile with pleasure and joy.

      I will say this, The final scene you had better have some tissue near by because your house I am sure is full of onions when it happens. This is the ending Game of Thrones could and should have done. It was the true definition of “Bitter Sweet”

      The season overall was a 9.9 only missing a perfect 10 because of S5-E1 it was a 9.0…. I watched it now twice letting it sink in fully. Giving anything a 10 is hard almost impossible, but episodes 2 through 10 were PERFECT 10’s for me.


      Remember, we still have the movie to come.

      They are filming in Hungary as we speak.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Roas.

        I know, that is my area of concern, but as far as the series went, it was great.

        I do not have to much concern as from what im hearing the Movie is being done by the same people and they put their heart in to the series and doubt they would want to ruin that work.

        If you have not seen “Sharpe” I suggest you do. It is another of Bernard Cornwells books brought to TV with Sean Bean in the lead as Sharpe. The “Warlord Chronicles and Grail Quest” were also really good , Netflix if smart would do them as well.

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