The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild help

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    Hi new here had switch fore few months now and I’m considering getting this game haven’t played Zelda seance snes era never relay clicked with me but this one looks interesting.

    Mostly when I ask people about it they just sing nice endless praise about it but when I ask about the flaws well they aren’t nice its like I insulted their mom or something.

    So can some one give me their honest opinion about it all the great thing in it and all bad ones no game is whiteout flaws.

    Do you need to play previous ones to make sense of this one. I just cant make my mind about it.

    Thanks in advance.


      There are flaws in the game, but the only one I can think of right now is the weapons don’t last long…they have their limits


      This is a completely different Zelda game from what you remembered. I finally bought it this year around April, and while it took a bit to get used to, man is this one of the greatest games I ever played. Like me, you’ll suck at first, but you’ll get better once you start getting used to how thew game works.

      Also, this will be a very long game. Lots of side quests, lots of traveling on foot and (getting annoyed) searching for the harder to find shrines. Yes, I had to use YouTube stradegy guides to help me get through some of the game and the side quests.

      But, it was all worth it.  BotW also has my favorite (and hottest) Zelda of all time.


      Hmm, depends on what you like in video game. BOTW doesn’t have a lot of story and barely any character development. It has cutscenes and such, but very short overall like 1-2 hr total. That said, it does has a decent lore when you go exploring the world. A ton of side quests and half of them are fetch quests. Gameplay is very fun, a lot of things to do, but it can become very repetitive. Very small monster variety, some of them are just reskins. Big open world (I think it has best one, because you can interact with pretty much anything) and if you go to explore everything it can take up to 100 hr. Overall, its decent game, a bit overhyped in my opinion. I havent played any other Zelda games and I understood everything in this one, so I am pretty sure you dont need to play other ones. If didnt cost like 60 euros, I would say its a worth a checking out, but its not (unless you can find it with a discount or something), so get it if you REALLY REALLY curious and have cash to spare. Also, I will just add its not a game over what you should buy Switch. I mean Nintendo Switch is worth buying, but just not over this game.


      Thanks fore replays I usually play RPG-s and have few RPG questions

      1. How does Links progress/grow get stronger

      2. Inventory is it limited unlimited if limited can you increase is

      3. Loop how does it work in this game what i mean is enemy’s-fight-exp don’t mind repetition

      4. Exploration I know its open world but does game award it (items,shortcuts,and so)  or just a slog and optical from point A to B





      1. He doesn’t really gets stronger, just gains a few powers to help to fight or explore the world. There is no level and such. You will have to find weapons, shields, bows, armor, crafting etc to make him stronger. Although weapons can break, so you will have find new ones by defeating monsters or finding in the world.

      2. You can increase inventory by collecting some stuff and talking to npc, but it still will be limited at some point, but because weapons break it should not be big problem.

      3. There is no exp, you just defeat monsters and gains items from them.

      4. You can find some rare items, but most of them arent, so I say exploration is not really rewarding. The only reason to do it is for completion sake.


      This is hands down one of my favorite Zelda games. I wouldn’t necessarily consider these flaws, but there are some drawbacks.

      1. Items do break relatively easy, so it’s best to keep an eye on the state of your weapons and shields
      2. Depending on the area and even weather, you have to pay attention to what you have equipped otherwise you can burn, freeze, or be electrocuted.
      3. The combat system can feel a bit overwhelming at times, but once you get it down.. who am I kidding.. unless you put in a lot of hours into the game to really get a feel for the combat system, I’d avoid getting into battles with major enemies, especially those god damn Guardians (unless your name is Peco and you’re an absolute God at this game lol).
      4. There are a lot of puzzles, which some can be pretty tough if you’re not paying attention.

      I guess the best way to put it is that they put a lot of time and effort into the smallest of details into this game, which in turn ended up being quite a bit of micromanaging. Overall it’s a fantastic game where you can easily find yourself absorbed into the exploration and details of the game.


      You grow stronger by completing shrines. Every four shrines you complete lets you increase your health or stamina. Other than that the main way you increase your abilities is with better weapons and armor, as well as by completing the Divine Beasts, with give you special powers that have cooldowns.

      You can increase inventory with collectibles, but you may have to follow a guide because I completely missed the NPC responsible in my playthrough.

      Loop is basically whatever you like, but most people pick one of the four quadrants of the map and beat a bunch of shrines then go for the divine beast.

      There are many traversal options, from horseback riding, to climbing mountains and paragliding off of them. There are also fast travel points you can unlock, but you have to reach them on foot first.


      Collecting Korok seeds and then turning them into Hetsu will increase your inventory. Apparently there are over 900 seeds to collect, so you can get quite a bit of space, but each time you turn in the seeds it’ll require more seeds each time. You get them by completing different puzzles and challenges.

      As ProjectHeroMask mentioned, Link will progress by completing shrines to earn orbs and beating Divine Beasts. Believe me, you’re gonna want to do those.

      Cooking is pretty vital as well since you can make different food and elixirs that will give you buffs, and if you use just the right combination of ingredients, you can give yourself some pretty powerful buffs.

      Pro-tip with weapons/shields: If you have a weapon/shield you like and don’t want it to break, find an Octorak. Let it suck up the weapon/shield and it’ll spit it back out fully repaired. Do the same with any rusty weapons you come across and it’ll spit it back out completely clean.

      Outside of the traversal options ProjectHeroMask had mentioned, you can also shield surf, but it will damage your shield in the process, so be wary of that. The fast travel points are typically full of different enemies and challenges, so be prepared for that as well. The towers will require you to climb them so you can unlock the area with your Sheika slate.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by WeareChaoS. Reason: typos

      If you’re interested in seeing some more gameplay for Breath of the Wild, check out my collection of playthrough videos on my Twitch channel. If you enjoy open-world, explorative games, whether you’re a Legend of Zelda Hyrule Historian or brand new to the franchise, this game has a lot to love. It has its flaws, namely the weapon degradation and lack of more traditional Zelda dungeons, but what it does it does exceedingly well. And the game is beautiful. There will be a learning curve in the beginning as you learn (the hard way) which enemies you can tackle and which you’d best steer clear from, but it is rewarding.


      Every game has its flaws. BotW is a pretty great game though, overall. Especially if you’re an old school Zelda fan, such as myself. Great story, great gameplay. Fun. The controls can be a tiny bit clunky at times, such as switching between bows or arrow types, but it doesn’t really detract from the gameplay or the fun. The quality of the game makes it easy to overlook any flaws. It’s actually very reminiscent of the original Legend of Zelda for the 8-bit Nintendo, with modern graphics and whatnot. One of the reasons why I love the game so much.

      I’ve also got a couple of BotW videos on my channel. Working on more. Great way to check out the gameplay and what not. Nudgewinknudge.

      Starter Plateau Minimalist Guide

      Starter Plateau Exploration


      Every game has its flaws. BotW is a pretty great game though, overall. Especially if you’re an old school Zelda fan, such as myself. Great story, great gameplay. Fun. The controls can be a tiny bit clunky at times, such as switching between bows or arrow types, but it doesn’t really detract from the gameplay or the fun. The quality of the game makes it easy to overlook any flaws.

      I’ve also got a couple of BotW videos on my channel. Working on more. Great way to check out the gameplay and what not. Nudgewinknudge.

      Starter Plateau Minimalist Guide

      Starter Plateau Exploration


      Electrocution is the single most annoying thing in the game!


      hello its bean a long time just wanted to say I got the game recently and I’m loving it don’t care about story much but simply love game play Thanks fore the help

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