The LRG Games thing is unhinged

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      So let me get this “straight”.  Dude in a dress, does not like the fact conservative lady has issue with creeps in ladies bathrooms and summarily gets her fired.



      I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the f’d up things here.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.

      This lady should sue this company to oblivion. Last I checked when I did Business Studies back in 2008 this is classified as discrimination.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by DragonLady.

        Completely agree about suing them I think it would be an easy easy case.

        But the thing here is how f’d up this is.  So now it is considered “inclusive” to be a man pretending to be a woman so much so that you can kick out other actual women.  Looking from the outside in one would think this is about power and not inclusion.  And that’s because it’s completely about power.


          I have purchased from them a few times before.

          Now, I have removed them from my mailing list, unfollowed them on social media, and will NEVER purchase from them ever again.

          This is yet another case of reactionary fear from a corporation. Bending the knee to a SMALL minority of twitter trolls. Letting freaks and sicko’s with NO lives dictate policy within a corporation through threats, in the meantime ruining someone’s career and possibly life for simply being a NORMAL person and having their own thoughts and opinions.


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