The Silenced voices, Rise up!

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  • #169972

    This is just a roll call of those of you who have been wrongly silenced on social media platforms.  Have you ever made a comment on You Tube that instantly deletes your voice?  Please raise your hand and stand up to be heard!

    Our voices can only be censored and silenced for so long before we find a place that will allow our voices to be heard.

    Everything we take for granted was built on the foundations of freedom of speech!  Now our voices are being censored over the most Milk Toast of replies.  I am not going onto these places to spread hate only the truth.  And it seems logic and common sense has been deemed as “hate speech” in many cases.

    The conversation is being stopped before it can even begin.  This is a dangerous path as once the talking stops the fighting begins.

    And non of us what it to come to that, so this is my hope in opening back up the conversation.  As once roll call is taken and you give your thoughts on this I would like to add a folder on here that logs our censored voices and topics that are getting shut down.  Our voices will be heard.

    We will rise up and we will not allow our freedoms to be stepped on by those who benefit from your voice being silenced!


    This is why I have so much faith in this website and forum.  I have a gut feeling that all the voices being silenced are looking for a place so desperately to voice their concerns.  This will be one of those places.  And we must fight to ensure we keep it.  As well as promoting discussion across the board.  An echo chamber never helps anyone, and I welcome different points of view so long you can remain civil.

    Thank you ~OldieWan


    I live in France and yea, even here we get these “filtered” comments in some places or as usual social media. Even more so if you don’t follow the trend.

    It all comes down to the fact that most people are sheeps and easily manipulated. Big tech companies understood this and are taking full advantage of it to push their nutcase ideologies.

    What we need, especially in the US since everything that happens there comes down to us EU (due to entertainment/social media being heavily “Americanized”), is simply to have Social Medias and Education Systems made accountable for censoring speech and brainwashing the youth.

    When everything you say or do may be seen as offensive, we might aswell live alone in a cave.

    Really a shitty world.


    I’ve been deleted, cancelled, excised, terminated, banned, removed, erased on so many websites over the years, I can’t keep track.

    I was cancelled before it was cool.


    The WotCrack forums deleted my account cause I told one of the Devs he was a hack who stole from his betters then ruined the product. That was 03 I think.

    Fascist dork loves to give me 30 days in the hole for no reason. It happened so often I made an alt account then they got wise and started blocking my IP address when they put my account in jail. The last stint was cause I told a bitch who was looking for shit to report that I only allowed whores like her to look at a portion of the posts. Apparently stalking a page and reporting shit is cool but calling her on it wasnt?

    Twatter Permabanned me in less than 3 weeks. All that took was one post to a sitting DNC Senator telling him he was wrong and backing that up with a link to the Constitution. Apparently twatter really hates that…

    IG gave me a 24 hour ban a month ago for posting a topless mini. When I told then it was 28mm lead they even restored the picture…

    Parler is the only place Ive seen that seems to have a sense of what the 1st amendment really meant. This place is the second.


    I’m always getting comments deleted on YouTube, with the latest being today on The Nerdrotics video on Jimmy Kimmel. I guess YouTube are denying the fact that we are living in Clown World, the Deluxe Edition this year


    I would like to thank everyone who has dropped in so far and shared a part of their story with the readers of this forum.  There is a lot of us out here that either have not found this yet, or simply rather not speak out in public.

    Which is understandable to a point.  The people who depend upon their channels as a way of life are kind of put into a corner.  Do they speak out and risk everything?  No they shouldn’t have to be afraid.

    This is why I will leave it to those of us who have nothing to lose online speaking about these things.  Sure if the people on the other side of this found out where I work or what I do in life I could maybe lose my job and the ability to care of my family.  But I have taken steps to ensure this does not happen.

    I put my trust in Jeremy and the staff here to keep our info out of prying hands.

    But some of us need to stand up to be heard.  Channels and people across the board are being silenced and shut down over simple thoughts and opinions.

    We have said nothing racist or wrong, other than the simple truths.

    for example.  If I am trying to have a debate with someone on the issue of gender.  I will do my best to respect someone’s pro nouns because most of the time it is the right thing to do.  But if you are clearly a man with a fully grown beard you can’t slap on a dress and call yourself a woman.  I mean YOU can.  But don’t expect me to call you miss or Ma’am.   These people who are actively pushy are ruining it for those innocent trans folk who just want to live their lives.

    Even I understand that.  Yet I am not allowed to speak this truth.  Blaire White is a cool chick and I have always referred to her as she/her.  She has my respect.

    But people like Jessica Yaniv.  That dude can fuck off.  He is a man who I will not be bullied into calling anything other than the way I see it.

    You want to be a woman?  Well why not act and be one instead of playing these mind games with people.

    I know lots of trans and not a single one of them think they those they/them freaks.   Every single one of them are like us.  They just want to live their lives and they put a lot of work into becoming the gender they feel like.  And they don’t expect us to play along unless we are comfortable with that.  They are reasonable people given a bad rep by weirdos.

    I can’t express that on You Tube or on Twitter!   Let me ask anyone who reads that, is that really hateful?  Is that really worth censoring?

    It is almost like want to hurt gays and trans who don’t bow down to their non sense.


    I absolutely agree with what you are saying. Wars have been fought so we can have free speech, but these (mainly) middle class idiots, are trying to erode this because it gives them some kind superiority over the rest of us


    Yep youtube auto deleted some of mine

    so don’t use buy M16 and defend your familly, friend and neighbourhood in the same post

    in the salty cracker channel


    I had a comment instant deleted from Youtube, that was critical of Communist China.  I’m not sure the exact word combination that triggered this, but it was quick enough that I feel it was scrubbed by a Youtube algorithm, and I imagine that it flagged my account.

    This definitely intimidated me from speaking freely on Youtube.  I use Youtube every day and I don’t want to be banned from it for a political opinion.  But at the same time, I would like an alternative to Youtube that is not cancelling free speech on the internet.



    Big Ups to the Salty Army!

    I love Salty Cracker


    Yep he!s fun, “the soy must flow”XD


    Yep SunDog talking about CCP on youtube is a no go.  When you point out what is going from what we have gathered you will be shut down.  Time after time this will have an effect and they know this.  We are truly being intimidated and bullied into silence.

    For future comments on You Tube I would ask everyone in here to open up a Notepad and copy and paste all comments before you post them.  This way any and all comments that are removed can be copy and pasted into an up coming thread either made by me or another member here about the censored comments.

    They do this for a list of topics.  CCP, Real and honest gay rights Trans rights, Star Wars topics I have seen removed when talking about their agenda, ANTIFA topics gone, pointing out Left wing racism, pointing out hate against whites on the rise, Theories and ideas about crisis actors, The New World Order.

    The list goes on and on.   And until we start to stand up to these bullies it will only get worse.

    I also find it troubling that Trump has done nothing for us on this front.  The more time goes on and on I don’t trust him.  I want to think we finally have someone who cares in office, but I would be foolish to think anyone in politics cares anything for the people they serve.

    When you point these things out.. Gone.   So it is not just all one side getting censored.  Both the left and the right are getting censored.  It is so very segregated and echo chamber like no one on the other side knows what is going on within the other side.

    You Tube has you boxed into your own little echo chamber.  And if you step outside that box and go to talk to the other side, it becomes all name calling and the autism is seen within 2 messages of your OP.

    That is what scares me the most.  People are done talking it seems. When the talking stops, that is when the fighting begins.

    I am a family man who only job in life is to care for my family, if that is taken away from me, God Help us all.   That would unleash a demon upon the world that is best kept locked inside the civil nature of life as we know it.


    This was my most recent comment to be censored on You Tube.

    You tell me if this was really that bad.  This was concerning a news video about “peaceful” protests.


    Guess what? They were never peaceful protests to start with. You don’t “peacefully” after the sun goes down. Stop lying CBS 17! The MSM is a joke. At least you left your comments on. If you want the truth, read the comments. MSM likes to paint these people as “peaceful”. People tearing down statues and robbing places is anything but peaceful. These people are so full of hate to white folks like me who have done nothing to anyone. It is very embarrassing for normal black folks who know this truth. Sad thing is most of these people are very racist. Yet claim they are protesting against racism.

    That was removed as soon as it was posted.

    These mother fuckers are censoring the truth. Plain and simple.  Nothing racist about this.


    I’m silenced all over the goddamn place for my use of words that people generally don’t like. I don’t give a shit at the end of the day because truth will always win, and censorship is the weapon of the fearful.


    100% Agree. Fuck these people.

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