There is either a standard for human behavior or there isn’t

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  • #231151

      I find that certain ideologies seem to push this thought process that right and wrong are relative.

      This is a thought process that is not only harmful but is downright dangerous.

      There is either a standard for human behavior (morality) or there isn’t.

      The moment it becomes relative is the moment the standard ceases to exist and the natural conclusion is ANYTHING goes.

      My point? There HAS to be a right and wrong.

      I personally believe in the morality set forth by Christianity of which our laws are based on.

      But whether you believe in the 10 Commandments or not, the fact remains there must be a moral code. Or society falls apart.


      You mean something like hits?






        That’s funny you posted that because I watched it this morning.

        I love how that channel digs into history vs. just throwing something out there. They tend to back up their opinions.

        Given the contents of that video Darwin and some of his cohorts held contempt for religion. Does that make Darwin wrong? Maybe not.

        I have no issue in believing God created the world through evolution. In fact, I cannot comprehend the intellect that would be required to create such a mechanism. And to think it randomly happened is silly in my mind.

        The world is not based on magic. It is based on rules and order. I believe God put forth things in a certain way so that the world would make sense to us so that we could operate in it and be independent of him if we wished. And that is necessary for there to be free will.

        I always find it funny that many think that because the universe follows mathematical rules there can be no God. So we are to believe out of pure chaos and randomness math formed? That’s insane to me. I believe that there is a God because the universe does follow rules.

        I have thought for some time about this. If ants were intelligent enough to ponder their existence. And you put thousands of them in an ant farm so they would make a colony. Would they think the ant farm was just always there or that someone put them in it?

        I know that’s all off topic but there you have it anyway.


        I have thought for some time about this. If ants were intelligent enough to ponder their existence. And you put thousands of them in an ant farm so they would make a colony. Would they think the ant farm was just always there or that someone put them in it?

        That is one of the arguments some people who believe in the Firmament say.

        They found studies where animals act differently if they know they are in a fenced off area as compared with they are out in the wild.

        Now what would happen to humans if they too discovered something similar.

        What if, when the race to the Antarctica, they discovered the Firmament.

        And the following Operation Fishbowl (as part of Operation Dominic).  To see what the edges might be.

        So governments all over the world did not want the people to know we were all ants in an ant farm.

        It would destroy many people, and unite people, and the power structure of beliefs of many would turn away form their agenda.

        You can research more on this, it is most often found under “flat earth”.

        And can then dismiss the flat earth theory, but then say aliens (be they like the engineers from ALIEN franchise), or some others that are watching and studying humanity, how will that effect human behavior.


          Here is the Problem with Morality or Ethics now.

          It is not about civilized beliefs as we knew them. It is now about gratification belief. If you believe in the long held norms of proper civilization its moral and ethics AKA Laws. Then you are an Enemy and to be cancelled.

          I am a broken record, but will say it again. History is repeating itself, because man no matter how far he progresses is to damn stupid to stop repeating history.

          I can, as you can, simply look back and see these same things repeated. And the consequences of them.



            It seems the path of us humans over time goes upward for a period but then arcs back downward as evil intentions get involved and things go sideways for all the wrong reasons. And then that cycle just repeats over and over.


            The Hebraic and Biblical ethic had profound political implications. There is a higher law than that of the state. Nations, no less than individuals, are subject to those objective moral absolutes whose authority is grounded in the transcendent God. Morality is not cultural, but theological. Because of these transcendent moral standards, it is possible to criticize the state and its leaders

            For mythological cultures, such as the Canaanites, the king was semidivine. The social order was understood to be one with the religious and natural order. Thus, social laws, customs, and the dictates of those in power were fully sanctioned by the mythological worldview. It was thus literally unthinkable to criticize the king, since there was no conceptual framework for asserting any higher authority. Social change, in the direction of greater mercy or justice, was practically unheard of. Even customs horrific to the Judeo-Christion mind such as child sacrifice were accepted even by the parents of the victim. This is how the crops grow. The gods, the king, the spirits of nature, the needs of the community, and reality itself require that the child be given to Moloch.

            The Hebrew prophets, on the other hand, excoriated kings and whole cultures for the evil they were committing. They demanded that those in power change their ways and change their societies according to the objective righteousness of God…

            That a prophet could come into the presence of a king and denounce him for oppression and bloodshed on the higher authority of the “word of God” was a conceptual development of the profoundest importance for Western society. We are so used to criticizing our leaders and our society that we take it for granted, but this is only because the Judeo-Christian ethic is so deeply grounded in Western thought, which ever since has had a tradition of social criticism and moral reform.

            Veith, Gene Edward. Modern Fascism . Concordia Publishing House. Chapter 3


            There should be, but there isn’t. It’s not just drugs, but you hear stupid stories from invaders who assault women and kids and they say something like it’s ok in their culture or that they brought it on themselves. You hear the excuses for very clear intentional criminal behavior, but instead, they defend the invader. You see the barriers and walls breaking. All it does is allow very sub-standard poor behavior, such as agitation propaganda and intentional provocation. A real civilization would have higher standards. Personally, I like Singapore. Singapore should be the benchmark. If you cause crime there, they immediately arrest and give you an option of being beaten with a stick to show you’ve learned your lesson.


              This is all sort of my point. Ultimately right/wrong has become subjective which causes a creep towards the wrong.

              “Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”
              ― William Penn

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