There is nothing that can save Star Wars for me

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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I don’t think there is anything that can save Star Wars fir me anymore. Mandalorian might keep my interest for a bit, but it won’t save what Jar Jar Abrams and Ruin Johnson did to the beloved franchise</p>


    The EU, my friend.


    The EU and true Star Wars awaits you. All you need to do is open a book.


      clone wars 2


      For me, it was largely LucasArts that were fueling my interest in Star Wars, and they were declining long before Disney showed up. The Last Jedi was simply the final nail in the coffin.

      I still hold out hope that Star Wars isn’t completely dead, though – It’s far too large of a cultural phenomenon to destroy. Whether it takes years or even decades, I believe the current culture will shift and something will rise from the ashes.

      The only thing which is truly regrettable is that the one chance to have Luke, Leia and Han back on the big screen all-together again for one last adventure was utterly wasted. Future generations will look back on this current era and wonder what the hell we were all thinking.


      Even if “THE VEIL” is used to relegate Disney Trilogy to the trash heap, the damage to the reputation of the franchise is DONE.

      Who can trust them now?  And if they do use “The Veil” once, then what is to stop them from using it again… to the original trilogy or the prequels, or the animated series, etc.

      So even if George comes back… fool me once, shame on me.  Fool me twist….


      For me, it all starts with Kathleen Kennedy’s exit.  Once she’s gone, maybe some damage can be repaired.  Until then, I’ve kinda just moved on.  Over the past 5 years, Star Wars has gone from being my single favorite series to not even cracking the top 10.  Thanks, Disney.


      Unless Krazy KK is removed and evertything she touched is destroyed SW is dead.

      I havent been able to read a single existing EU book or even watch the 6 actual films since the lightspeed ram incident.

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