They Myriasphere Origin

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    The book I am working on is called Rise Of Darkness first book in The Myriasphere Origins series. It is a Fantasy, Sci-fi style with a bit of Horror. The book follows Prince Arthus Arkwright as he grows and learns about his world and his people and the destiny of his people. In the world of Malon the Ingole, and Cundo are elvish like people, who were created from the feathers of the Arch Angels and are raised and trained by Michael and other Arch Angels so one day they be able to face the Darkness and its demon hordes. There also the dwarfs, and other epic fantasy creatures. In the Series you read about the clash of forces of Life and forces of death. I hope to have first book out by this Dec and then the second book by 2021 and then a book every year. If you want more info I am on YouTube and Twitter I cant wait to bring you all into this epic universe and bring somthing new to the Fandom and I hope to later bring in Comics Gate to help make comics that fall into this world and who knows were it will go. So Welcome to The Myriasphere Origins.


    Sounds interesting.


    I am also looking for artists to help make the book cover and help me draw up some of the characters for the novels if interested please get ahold of me I will work out pay and all with you.

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