Things are not great, but it is not as bad as it seems

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      I find a lot of people are near hopeless.  They see all the bad and evil in the world and want to give up.

      That’s how evil wants you to feel.

      That is why evil always heralds it’s existence but good , by nature, keeps to itself and is therefore harder to find.


      Bad news sells, good news does not.

      People remember the bad news/times and can recall it more easily than the good news/times (as they tend to be taken for granted).


      They stopped celebrating how 9-11 brought Americans together, but instead talk on the failures the “war on terror/Afghanistan surrender-retreat” did.

      They don’t talk about what UNITES a people, but only talk of division to create strife.


      This is a BIG fault with the media and the politicians.


        That is an excellent point.  And I think it all started with the 24hr news cycle on cable TV.  Then it got worse with the internet and Ad revenue and finally the latest evolution of it all, social media.   And that was BEFORE the government and big media were in cahoots.

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