This is a message to Woke corporations, stay away from our kids…

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  • #297864

    …among other things.


      I saw this ad earlier today.  I approve. LOL


      You know this is such a strange phenomenon. We fight to protect & defend our & your children from corruption & evil. We try to instill morals & values onto them. The Leftist Progressives are trying to do the same thing but in the Complete opposite direction & they call us the deranged ones.
      I’m constantly seeing extremely stupid Liberals (mostly white, most of the time) always saying things like Conservatives & Republicans say they want to protect our kids but they are always the ones caught doing stuff to kids. I don’t know where they get their facts, but the thing is WE do not think as a community. We do not claim to speak for an entire base of people. Let’s say they were right. That kind of stuff happens in SECRECY. They try not getting caught, they groom kids in secrecy & we OUTRIGHT condemn any brand of Religious man they may be, regardless of what party or whatever they belong to, we do not support or defend child molesters or groomers.
      But you know who absolutely does? That’s right, the lunatics on the Progressive Leftist & Democrats. Every time a whatever they are gets busted for child abuse, it’s always the same thing “Hey, respect her pronouns! Biggot!”
      They feed them children by taking them to these evil highly sex charged events called drag queen story time, where we are now even seeing men in thongs & prosthetics shaking their garbage in front of SO MANY KIDS. They demand it & if we do not give in, they attack us & Groom the kids harder.
      Fuck this activist movement completely!
      Some parts of Canada, where I am living in, they are trying to pass bills that would make it criminal to protest trans & drag events  targeting children. What kind of reality are we living in? There is absolutely no equivalent to this on Right wing, conservative, republican….bro WTF? No other group of people have stripped so many rights from others & have jeopardized so many lives as this movement.
      So much so that many of them have distanced themselves from anything Rainbow. All they had to do was not fuck with the kids.
      There is something in their eyes, you can see them a mile away, the progressively Leftist Liberal wild eyes. Watch their eyes in their videos, it’s funny & once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Especially if they still mask up lol

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