This is the biggest reason people quit

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    This is the biggest reason people quit—and it’s 10 times more important than pay

    Business leaders spent the bulk of 2021 managing record turnover during what’s become known as the Great Resignation, with a big focus on people quitting for higher-paying jobs, better working conditions and attractive benefits. But according to one analysis published in the MIT Sloan Management Review, researchers say record turnover is actually being driven by something a lot harder to fix: a toxic work culture.

    Who wants to work in a toxic, woke, SJW hell-hole?

    From those reviews, the most common ways employees described toxic culture at their company were through a failure to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion; workers feeling disrespected; unethical behavior or low integrity; abusive managers; and a cutthroat environment where they felt colleagues were actively undermining them.

    I would also say the NOT promoting getting the best qualified employee, but one who fits a check-box as another.  Putting performance/quality/profits second.

    Other leading predictors of turnover include job insecurity and reorganization, high levels of innovation (as in, companies that move so quickly that they burn out workers), failure to recognize employee performance, and poor response to Covid-19.

    Failure to recognize performance could mean high performers don’t feel they’re being rewarded for their efforts, or they feel that low performance is being tolerated. Either way, Sull says this cause of turnover is preventable and especially damaging: “By failing to recognize high performance, not only are you losing people at higher rates, but you’re losing people who are highly valuable to the company.”

    I used to work where management actively hoped to get rid of those high performers, as usually they are high on the seniority list/high on the pay-grade, try to take your performance and spread it to low performance employees, where production bonuses were group/not individual based.

    It also made it that management did not have to do re-training on the low performers, as their numbers were inflated.

    I personally keep track of all my production/quota numbers, and my by-monthly review/annual reviews, I would take out my numbers and if they did not match, I have rejected their reviews.  They stopped altering my numbers after the first few by-monthly reviews (it also helped I went to my manager and made a formal complaint they HAD to address.  Losing over 20% of my production/quota I did not take lightly.)

    So when workers are treated as exploitable/expendable, no wonder turnover is so high.

    The great reset in employer/employee relationship, and how they deal with “toxic” (and what they call toxic), must also be addressed.

    Go woke go broke.  Only losers would promote/work in such toxic environments.


    Probably a lot of things contribute to this. Continued government support, such a unemployment benefits, which may be fine for the short term but have caused some people to not want to return to work so long as the government checks keep coming in. As well, some people just don’t want to work, even if and when they have jobs.

    But the “toxic work place” is certainly a reality, too. And covid, with all the mandates and restrictions, hasn’t helped. I haven’t worked in a big box store, but I’d guess they’re not the most pleasant of places to work in, and having to do it while also being masked and having to listen to an endless parade of virtue-signaling announcements over the PA would make it even more difficult.

    Work is often simply a grind, and sometimes you have to grit your teeth and endure some rough times for a while. Or if it really is unendurable, you leave if and when you can.



    I work in Big Tech. A name you would know and have probably used before. Wanted to give a rundown of what it’s like from the inside right now.

    Obviously insanely radically leftwing. BLM/LGBTQ. Trans flags hanging in office. Pronouns stated before meetings. Special affiliation groups for everyone but white men. All what you’d expect.

    But COVID/WFH has totally broken people. They are fundamentally weak, often with no social support outside of work. They’re the people with no children, no spouse. Only a dog or cat for emotional support.

    There’s constant talk, even now, about how hard things are for everyone. Often meetings start with going around the room to ask “How is everyone feeling?”

    Literally everyone else went on sad rants about their lives. “I’m so MAD a white supremacist shot 3 black men in Kenosha!”

    It’s toxic. When it got to me, I said “Good.” and then a (((lady engineer))) literally proposed that we should not be allowed to answer the question positively. I shit you not. I think it hurt her that I wasn’t as miserable as her.

    She made some argument about “vulnerability”. These people not only want you weak, they want you to expose your vulnerabilities to them so they can exploit them. They may not intend this explicitly, but whatever twisted ideology they worship ends with this result.

    So back to morale. Everyone is demoralized. This may surprise you, since Big Tech is extremely well paid and has been able to WFH throughout the past 2 years. They’ve been given extra days off, extra stipends, bonuses, etc. They never had to fear being laid off.

    I have some sympathy, and can feel some of this myself. It’s normal and natural to work with people in-person. WFH can make it easy to overwork. You take fewer breaks, often work past normal working hours. You don’t feel connected to customers or celebrate success in person.

    And as I mentioned, Big Tech is often the only social life for people. I fortunately never made it mine, but my company had all sorts of after-work activities. Sports leagues, game nights, different classes taught by employees. There was a rhythm and connectedness that’s gone.

    The Great Resignation is real. Many employees are leaving for better jobs. Remote work has (so far) resulted in more job opportunities for those working in Big Tech, especially outside of Silicon Valley. And so we backfill those positions, or hire new people, all remote. We now have employees who have nearly 2 years of tenure who have never met another employee in person, and lives alone in some city away from where the office was.

    This would be fine for a normal person, but again, we’re attracting the family-less urbanites scared of even meeting up with their friends at a restaurant.

    The churn in jobs also has the major effect of constantly dealing with the overhead of re-assinging projects from people leaving, and onboarding new people. The new employees don’t get enough attention to succeed. And the employees that stay end up with a load of work dumped by the former coworkers, plus the responsibility of onboarding the new ones. There are many software engineers who’ve not written a single line of code in the past year.

    While the Woke agitation has slowed due to the productive employees’ ability to simply log off, in addition to the tiredness of the agitators, there is more and more open rebellion regarding pay and profits.

    “Bring your whole self to work” was the Big Tech mantra. Tell people about your cool hobbies, share your politics (if you’re far left only), share your sex life. This plus the feeling of distance an online-only presence creates has made people braver in speaking their thoughts.

    You used to have to have the balls to knock on the CEOs office door, or schedule a meeting. Now you can fire off a nasty Slack message straight to her. People will openly write threads and comments throughout Slack bad-mouthing the higher ups at the company. And they do nothing.

    It’s unreal what people will write, with no recourse.

    If it were anything remotely RW, I’m certain they’d be immediately fired, but so long as they’re sufficiently LW or minority (anything but straight white man), they can agitate, complain, do no work, and continue employment.

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