Thumbs up emoji is “problematic”, “triggering”

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    Now I’ll admit I’m old, that I have trouble keeping up with all the social graces, that there’s some disconnect between myself and the younger generation (it’s called the generation gap and I thought that was normal).

    But when I see things like this I’m convinced the problem is not with me or my generation.

    Some of these young’uns are just nuts.



      What you have is a subset of a couple of generations unhappy with their either their lot in life or their choices (or both).  So to make themselves feel better, to try to accommodate their unhappy souls they are literally willing to blame anything for their position in this world. Sure, one can pull themselves up by their bootstraps.  But that takes a certain gristle. When you lack that level of sinew you just point the finger at everyone else because it’s easy and takes no effort.




        Heard about this yesterday. Laughed myself silly🤣



        As a Gen Z guy, I can say that we are weird.


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