Don’t get all dramatic about it. The house was on fire and Jeremy and Uche, in their clumsy ways, were trying to put it out using buckets with holes in them. Give them a break. They just got their balls stomped on. Right now the Twitterati are doing a victory lap claiming that Zack Snyder tricked the “alt-right” into donating money. Essentially they are celebrating theft. I don’t agree with that interpretation of events, but that’s how hostile and evil the other side is. They celebrate theft from people they slander with lies. (The alt-right, if anyone is unaware means SPECIFICALLY a white nationalist ideology, and has nothing to do with what G&G does. But the alt-right as a smear people on the other side use to )
I agree with EVS, but that last thing the G&G stream needed in that moment was someone to come in and break up the band with the harsh truth. It’s obvious that Uche was put in a very difficult position, and was not handling it well. He was very upset about how YoungRippa put things, and EVS would have been less tactful. It could have resulted in Uche walking off, and that would only hurt G&G.
What should have been a really sweet experience was turned sour by Zack Snyder. That must be very hard of Uche to accept, and we should not even expect him to accept it. Sometimes with friends you have to let things go. Even though it put Jeremy in a bind, I thought his decision to back Uche was a good one, even if I think he didn’t handle Snyder’s comments the way he should have.
G&G can review the various streams after a good night’s sleep and come to the proper conclusion, that Zack Snyder is a POS.