Utah House Democrats walk out in protest of critical race theory resolution

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    Utah House Democrats walk out in protest of critical race theory resolution

    Democrats in Utah’s House of Representatives walked out in protest on Wednesday as the chamber considered a resolution rebuking critical race theory.

    Ending the racist theory.  Everyone should be supporting the banning of it.

    The walkout allowed Republicans to adopt unanimously a resolution urging the state’s Board of Education to ensure that “certain concepts” the measure associated with critical race theory are not taught in schools.

    And what are some of them?

    The resolution includes concepts that “one race is inherently superior or inferior to another race” and that “an individual’s moral character is determined by the individual’s race.”

    I agree that both those concepts are RACISTS and has no part being in any school system.

    But I guess the Dems WANT race divisions, hate crimes, riots, victimhood, and everything else so they can BURN down the USA.




      There is no difference in Race other than the pigmentation of the persons skin.

      Just like there is no other sex’s, other than, Male and Female

      The title says it all though, “Democrats” If we could just use common since in sex (there is only 2) and decency to people (we are all the same inside) then the power that party welds would be destroyed…. Not to mention the country would be so much better off….. Racial hatred will never be abolished sad to say, but if you remove the ones creating most of it, the world would be a better place.


      Isn’t teaching kids that one race is superior or inferior to another race racist? Isn’t that what the Civil Rights movement in the 60s was trying to end? Also telling people that their moral character is based on skin color contradicts what Martin Luther King Jr. said about his children being judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character? Wouldn’t this way of thinking cause us to regress as a society rather than progress?

      The way I see it is that kids should be taught whatever their background, it is up to them to decide what they want to be. They should also be told that they are also responsible for their actions and in order to succeed in life they have to put in the work and not rely on others for income.


      And you just explain why the dems are pushing for it, as it permanently creates a “victim” class, of which they can exploit for their political agendas.

      Instead of rising people up, they want to lower everyone down.

      People want to come to america to raise themselves up in the nation of opportunity.

      But the dems want to place and keep everyone in poverty – being dependent on the government for everything.

      The dems are the modern day nazis, where they have to create a villain class to attack, and that is what CRT’s goal is.

      These are sick bastards.


      If you think that’s bad, they want to teach sex education to FIVE YEARS OLDS in Primary Schools (Elementary Schools for the US) in the UK! That and the race and LGBT+ stuff as well. And they wonder why home schooling is on the rise…



        I hate to bring this to you, but I have heard 5th and 6th grade kids that could write volumes 2 to 10 in the Kama Sutra to the point even Larry Flint would Blush. Now that is 10 to 13 depending on birth-date and dates starting school. We forget there was a time 12 years of age was legal age of Marriage in History.

        Now, should schools be teaching it that young?

        At one time I would have said NO but after seeing a few 12 year olds pregnant, well my views are changing on that, so long as it about reproduction and NOT “Sexuality” That should be left to the Parents.

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