Got terminus hexatron at my local comic shop a couple weeks ago he’s really nice. if you can find him for a good price I would recommend picking him up
This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by maxpeach.
Im thinking of picking up the Nemesis Prime version of power baser. Powermaster Prime was one of my holy grails as a kid and fucking Hasblo made a headmaster last year and called it powermaster prime… That insult resparked my desire for one and it should be a modern version.
Masterpeace is more way more faithful to the cartoon apperance bigger and more expensive. CHUG is smaller less expensive and depending which company is making CUHG sized figures be it Hasbro or a 3rd party company they can be of lesser quality then masterpiece figures but in the last couple of years Hasbro has started to improve their CHUG sized lines. And then there is one more 3rd party scale and that is legends scale where figures are smaller.