Western and Anime & Manga Consumers

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  • #185454

    I want to ask you guys this:

    If Western Entertainment Consumers were ever jealous of the Anime/Manga Industry even though I don’t know if they’ll ever be jealous of Anime & Manga Industry and I don’t mind them being jealous, what will they be jealous of the Anime & Manga Industry of?


    Probably because the Anime and Manga Industry takes the side of the consumers and Japanese(mostly the Japanese). And Western Entertainment Industry takes the side of themselves the Far-Left, and the CCP.
    I understand why. Like seriously, why would Western Entertainment Industry take the side of the Far-Left, the CCP, and themselves? I want to know why.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.

    The answer is in this video.


    Not gonna watch a 1h20minute video to find your hidden answer

    Could you explain in words?



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