What U-verse ship wins

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      The age old timeless argument, which franchise has the best ship based weapon. Now I only listed ones the average person would know. and before anyones says it NO MEGAMAID is not in this discussion.

      1. Star War
      2. Star Trek
      3. Babylon 5
      4. Stargate


      Babylon 5 has the weakest tech out of all of them, imo. No such thing as shields in that verse, just living hulls, so they’re gonna lose no matter what.

      I wager for the rest of them it’s not a matter of the weapons, but how powerful the shielding is. The other three all have impressive capital based weapons that have the power to pulverize both ships as well as planets.

      While Star Wars deflector shields never give a lot of details on relative strength, we know that Trek and Stargate both have serious shields on cruiser and capital class ships. I think that gives Trek and Stargate advantages, but Star Wars and Stargate have larger ships than Trek, which means more weapons per ship.


        Stargate, the Wraith and Asgard along with Atlantis could probably win against any of the others. Just the bombardment of Atlantis shows the shields strength. Tack on its ANCIENT weapons which we know penetrate shields and multiple targets with ease.

        Trek had “Species 8472” 8 Bio-ships could destroy a planet if memory serves me, and 1 ship could take out a Cube with relative ease. This leads me back to B-5 they had the Bio-ships and we know the weapons were very effective on all but EA. So cannot discount B-5 taking that into account.

        I think the weakest is Star Wars but give KK time she will “wake it” the the bestest evva.


        I’ve always been of mind that an Imperial Star Destroyer would be too much for a Galaxy Class Trek ship.

        An Imp SD has 60 Turbolases and 60 Ion cannons, the Ions capable of ripping through shields, but a Galaxy Class has only a couple of phasor arrays. I think it would overwhelm Trek ships despite the slightly iffy Star Wars shields.

        I still say B5 ships are weakest. Vorlon and Shadow bio armor might have been impressive, but we saw them get beaten by enough laser based weapons on the lesser ships of that show. All the other ships in all the other shows are vastly stronger.


        I cant comment on BBY5. Never watched it.

        Idd ad in BSG04 to the mix for they have nukes. However all of their weapons are kennitic in nature so they are weak if they dont punch through with the nuke.

        I think an ISD mk2 would be a even fight for a single Galaxy class. Yet there are something like 700 – 800 ISD mk2s and only a dozen or so Galaxy class almost never deployed in the same sectors. Remember the Empire emplyes wolfpack tactics. They have more than enough manpower to just keep throwing forces at the fight.


          Laser and Ion vs shielded Galaxy Class, Galaxy wins all day even with bad odds, More maneuverable, better censors, better shielding, better all around weapons platform. In an ambush with say a trio of Star Destroyers shields up and laugh at the puny human lazers.

          If the Empire came after the Federation, Currently you would have the entire Federation including Romulans, as they reunified with Vulcan and thus nullifying the  Treaty of Algeron, so now the Federation would also have Cloaks. As to how many (((I hate you right now, i went looking for how many))) anywhere from 10 to 40 depending on the sites… Im going with a dozen. But there is many more ships in the Federation, heck how many Bird-of-prey are running around.

          Man you need to watch BB5 it is one of the best shows for its time (though season 5 was not needed) but still take it for the time and its great, also story and characters were tops.


          I remember watching the pilot and thinkintg it was cool then my hours changed and that was the end of that. Never went back to it.



            Which pilot there is actually 2 one was the Movie and the other is the First Episode. Many people did not even know about the Movie is why I ask.




            I’ve been waiting for a moment to bring this up, but I haven’t been in a conversation where I could, but since we’re steering into it a little bit…

            Here’s the thing about B5. I watched B5 from the beginning to end when it started to air. Then I watched it over and over again in syndication (when that was a thing) for years and years. Cuz I was bored a few months back, I did another watch, and my gripes with it have never changed.

            The first two or three, maybe four times, B5 is a good watch, even with its flaws. The reason B5 worked was because they had planned out the entire story from 1-4. They knew where they were going. The other side of this, is after watching the show so many times, the filler episodes really are painful to watch. In my last, and likely final watch ever, all I wanted were the main story episodes. The main story is still very good, but the filler episodes were painful to watch. I just didn’t care.

            And even after all these years, I cannot forgive its biggest flaw, which annoys the ever loving shit out of me. Let me preference, I know the season 4 finale was supposed to serve as a series finale, and left as that it’s fine…but then they give us season 5, which is like a vestigial useless third limb because of what the season 4 finale reveals for the future of the B5 universe. The only necessary episode of season 5 was the actual series finale, which should have been the season 4 finale to close out the show.

            Take all of that into account, how was I supposed to be remotely interested in the spin off series Crusade?

            Don’t get me wrong, like I said, B5, if you are watching it for the first time, is good and fun. To me, though, after watch after watch, it doesn’t age well gets overall boring.


            There were several made for TV movies produced for Babylon 5. They are:

            In the Beginning – the story of the Earth-Minbari War. This was made at about the same time as season four but is set before any of the other material. I think that J. Michael Straczynski recommends watching this first.

            The Gathering – the original pilot with a slightly different set of characters. This was later updated with new effects to better match the series itself.

            Thirdspace – set mid season four this is about the discovery of a mysterious artefact drifting in hyperspace.

            The River of Souls – set mid season five and focuses on the Soulkeepers who take the souls of individuals they wish to preserve just before they die.

            A Call to Arms – set several years after the TV series and leading into the short-lived spinoff Crusade.

            Legends of the Rangers – set shortly before A Call to Arms I think and was supposed to be the pilot to a new show that never got picked up.

            There is also a DVD called The Lost Tales that has two standalone stories on of mediocre quality.



            The issue with season five is because of the change of network when TNT took over from Warners. JMS didn’t know if he’d get another season so he had to finish everything off in season four and the finale of the fifth season was actually produced then (which is why Ivanova is in it but Lockley isn’t). The original plan was for the civil war to continue into the fifth season.


            Another fun fact – there will never be a Blu Ray release because the CGI can’t be upgraded without being completely redone. I was told this by Robin Aitken Downes who played Byron in season five.


              Babylon 5 in the beginning is the original movie. January 4, 1998

              Babylon 5: The Gathering is the pilot. February 22, 1993

              Though In the Beginning aired before Season 5 it is what filled in all the pieces of the puzzle. I tell people if you want to get in to B5 start with “In the Beginning” it puts everything in to context and proper time-line focus and the Hows and Why’s.


              The issue with season five is because of the change of network when TNT took over from Warners. JMS didn’t know if he’d get another season so he had to finish everything off in season four and the finale of the fifth season was actually produced then (which is why Ivanova is in it but Lockley isn’t). The original plan was for the civil war to continue into the fifth season.


              K, I had no idea that the season 5 finale was filmed in season 4. That makes a ton of sense. The series finale really is a great episode, and it neatly puts everything and everyone into a perfect place, which makes A Call to Arms and Crusade very difficult to swallow. It really all stems back to my dislike of when a series goes back in time after set story moments, which is why I generally don’t like prequels in anything.


                A call to arms is set 5 years after the season 5 finally, Crusade was suppose to be the spin-off but was just BAD in so many ways.

                Babylon 5: The Legend Of The Rangers, spin-off had prospects, but the writing and acting was not the best, after rewatching it a few months ago I kept looking for a Trash Panda and Groot, which makes me wonder if that is not where Guardians came from lol.

                If someone in Hollywood that wasn’t woke would find good writers and actors Rangers would be a great series. So many of the cast is still around it would not be hard to bring enough of the old back to do it and introduce some younger actors,  Claudia, Billy and Jason Carter are still with us.  To bad Andreas, past away man he brought G’kar to life like the role was written for him alone.  With CGI today, i could only imagine what could be done.


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