What would you do if you run Hollywood


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  • #169743

    I want to ask you this:

    What would you do if run Hollywood?

    How would you manage it?

    What type of changes would you bring?

    If I ever run Hollywood, I would make Hollywood function like the Anime Industry and give Actors, Actresses, and Filmmakers the same treatment that Anime Companies treat Seiyuu.




    There’s no saving it. Salt the earth, then go someplace else and start it over.


      I would fire Kathleen Kennedy. I would also get rid of all the woke writers. I would re-brand Marvel and Star Wars for adults. No more dumb jokes for children. No more feminism. Realistic sex and violence. Good scripts that are well thought out.


        Make this a reality.  I want to see rioters running scared of the their own destruction, poetic justice.


        LOS ANGELES, CA—Fox has unveiled a new entry in the Night at the Museum series: Night at the Museum: Revenge of the Statues. The film will center around angry statues emerging from dumpsters and rivers where Antifa rioters threw them in order to destroy the outraged protesters.

        Christopher Columbus, Teddy Roosevelt, and George Washington will stalk the frightened rioters one by one.

        “This summer, the statues are back, and this time, it’s personal,” says the movie voice guy in the trailer released by Fox today. “No more Mr. Nice Grant.”

        “You won’t take them for granite anymore.”



        No one man should have all that powah.


          For one thing, make this a reality. I want to see rioters running scared of the their very own destruction — poetic justice, even if it’s just a movie.

          LOS ANGELES, CA—Fox has unveiled a new entry in the Night at the Museum series: Night at the Museum: Revenge of the Statues. The film will center around angry statues emerging from dumpsters and rivers where Antifa rioters threw them in order to destroy the outraged protesters.

          Christopher Columbus, Teddy Roosevelt, and George Washington will stalk the frightened rioters one by one.

          “This summer, the statues are back, and this time, it’s personal,” says the movie voice guy in the trailer released by Fox today. “No more Mr. Nice Grant.”

          “You won’t take them for granite anymore.”



          Order all of them off social media.

          If you want to talk to fans maintain your own forums with strict code of conduct.

          Return to creativity and remove themselves from political affairs.

          No Cancellations, if you have accusations go to the authorities ,not fucking Twitter.

          No closed door meetings with actors, this prevents one side or another doing something…unsavoury.

          Movie reviews must be independent, no more access journalists, reviewers are invited for advanced screenings and they pay for thier own tickets.

          I can’t think of anything else right now, no doubt there’s more.

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