Why are some lives cut short, why would God let that happen?

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      That was cleverly funny without actually mocking God.  That’s what humor used to be before it was decided the only thing you could mock was God and before just a plethora of curse words was considered comedy.  If you notice he was using a mic that had a cord, so clearly that has some age on it.



      Oh yes, back to the dark ages when the world was flat, because there was no proof to say otherwise.

      Back to the days when germs were not heard off, and the ignorance of science because it could not be seen/proven.

      Oh I’m happy humanity has evolved to the point that we can scientifically prove stuff instead or relying on a whim.

      That does not mean they are not REAL just cause you say so and modern science cannot prove it.

      That does not mean that they did not exists.

      Just because you do not believe does not mean it is not real/true.

      I’m glad you acknowledge the existence of endless genders at least, good for you. God created people with different spiritual gender from their biological sex, but we should cherish and celebrate them as any other human being because we are all creations of god.

      Even when any facts or proof is given, that will still never convince some.

      what facts and proof are there? I am open to being converted.


      @Vknid I do not believe before there is certain proof. And what I meant with shallow, I meant that it’s easy to argue a stalemate for when instead of needing scientific explanations to how X, Y and Z happened you can just say ”well god did that, it’s magic, and you can never prove me wrong”.

      And my issue with religion is not about believing in a god, I don’t really care, it’s about when people take it too far and weaponize it for violence or oppression. I’ve seen way too many people arguing about something horrible with just the argument of it being a divine command, like being gay is unnatural and going against god, and when 10 people argue against each other with their reasoning being a different interpretation of a holy script or simply a divine command, there is no way to to ever decipher who is correct.

      So what I mean about it being shallow, I mean you can justify almost anything via religion and often times there is no real answer to what is correct.


        “I do not believe before there is certain proof.”

        Well then you must believe in only what’s in front of your face then.  Do you believe in Pluto?  Why? Have you seen it with your own eyes? Have you been there?  I am sure you would say well science proves it.  Well what if I say I don’t believe in your scientific priests your scientific bibles its all propaganda to try to control me?

        At the end of the day, EVERY human on the planet has faith.  Some of us choose to place it in God with the assumption he is limitless and infallible.  Every one else just puts faith in humans which we all know are prone to error, failure, weakness, and corruption.

        Now if you wish to state, well I believe in science. Well then you just admit you place faith in humans which we already understand to be prone to error just like science is.  Science does not create worlds, universes or solar systems.  It simply observes them.  All science is, is the study of what God made.

        “And what I meant with shallow, I meant that it’s easy to argue a stalemate for when instead of needing scientific explanations to how X, Y and Z happened you can just say ”well god did that, it’s magic, and you can never prove me wrong”.

        No, I think you meant shallow quite condescendingly based on your constant use of condescension historically.  In this very sentence you do it again, it’s like you can’t help yourself.

        No one claims God uses magic.  Things we cannot understand or grasp are not magic, they are simply things we cannot understand.  Prior to the invention of the microscope in the late 1600’s we had no concept of the microscopic world and no concept of things like bacteria.  This did not make illness caused by such things magic.  We simply did not know and now we do.  So we did not convert magic into science we just now understand.  And drawing some arbitrary line in the sand and claiming, well NOW we know everything and anything we cannot conceive cannot be is just intellectual masturbation so one can feel comfortable in non-belief.

        “And my issue with religion is not about believing in a god, I don’t really care”

        Your consistent contempt towards the topic shows you very much care.  Belief in God and worshipping him and living as he wishes is not actually tied to religion as they can function quite separately. What man has made around faith is often done so for himself and thus not of God.  If you base your non-belief in God on imperfect and fallible people and those whom commit evil acts falsely in his name then you might as well believe in nothing as that is the case in any situation.  Your progressive group constantly is found to be hypocritical and is consistently busting grifters within their own ranks yet you believe in them so I am not sure how you take 2 similar situations and conclude that they are different.

        “So what I mean about it being shallow, I mean you can justify almost anything via religion and often times there is no real answer to what is correct.”

        That’s beyond thin reasoning to rebuke God.  People are capable of justifying anything at any time no matter how awful and that nothing to do with religion.  It is a self-serving human trait to do what one wishes and convince themselves later they had good reason to do so.  Hitler explained his reasoning and logic for committing atrocity many times.  But we know what he did was egregiously wrong.   Right and wrong for most people is fairly black and white.  Usually when we see grey areas it’s because we try to convince ourselves it’s justified to do our will vs. God’s.

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