Why aren’t we talking more shit about star wars around here?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars Why aren’t we talking more shit about star wars around here?

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    There is already talk of them bringing back the draft, so that young men will have to fight Russia or China.
    For what?
    For a country that replaces them in every shred of media? For a country that made them a minority?
    There was nothing, and I mean, absolutely nothing gained from fighting these wars. The country has been invaded. People speak in ebonics and sound like imbeciles. They twerk like animals. The civilization and culture the west once had has been replaced by a sub-culture and all standards and metrics have collapsed. Corporate does not want to hire Americans. Academia does not want to train Americans. Again, that is the real Hatred and Bigotry.

    I happen to agree with this LOOPER video and would add The Acolyte to this video and it is NOT Hatred and Bigotry, but just real feedback.
    Looper just comes off jealous of Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic for saying the very same thing that LOOPER did.

    Been enjoying this guy’s videos below.

    Jesse Grant


    This is getting beyond silly. People are allowed to have opinions whether Disney likes it or not. Back in the day most people were allowed to point and laugh at how bad something like this was.


    Also, this seems more extreme than what happened with ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ last year. At least they weren’t trying to ban even small YouTube channels (from what I can remember) like they are with this. In fact, even ten years ago a series as bad as ‘The Acolyte’ wouldn’t make it past the first episode because it would’ve been cancelled right away…that’s if it was unfortunate enough to get past the writer’s room before hand.




      When you are trying to convince people to accept an agenda that is counter to their best interest based on lies and subterfuge, you cannot win that in any debate/discussion so your only option is silence the opposition.


        So here a few perspectives.

        The one I 100% agree with:

        The one below that frankly has me cringing and wondering how this girl will ever handle reality. She flat out admits in the video that she does not want to talk about things she doesn’t like. She needs to take her rose colored glasses off. That is not how life works. She seems VERY naive. She makes a point to call out “hate” and all that. But, doesn’t want to talk about the OTHER side that get’s hate and slander even more. The media lies and slanders anyone who dislikes this show. Labeled as ists and phobes, we all know this. We see it every time now, and Disney are pro’s at it now. She doesn’t seem to mention that, but sure makes a point to mention the SMALL amount of “toxic” fans that are actually in EVERY fandom as if they were all over the place creating havok. And that is not true.

        I myself would like more positivity from content creators, as I mentioned pages back, but only from a truthful and realistic perspective. This girl isn’t living in reality and clearly has a LOT to learn about life.

        And the one that comes at all this from a different angle, while still having moments throwing his little tantrum against the fandom and places like G&G and Nerdrotic. The “whaa whaa” comments from him are what I am talking about. I personally can’t stand John Campea, but I watch him just to get different perspectives, even if it is annoying and somewhat childish half the time. His takes are so utterly cringe sometimes it is nearly beyond understanding. I only started watching him because Robert Meyer Brunett is on there sometimes. But, I think people should get different perspectives.



        That middle video is Carly King. I actually like watching her twirl the sabers. She is very good at it.

        I could not even make out what she was trying to say because I don’t know who she’s talking about. Terms like “hate and bigotry” were used by Looper about Nerdrotic and Drinker, so the terms “hate and bigotry” are ones that I do not take seriously, especially when the lead actress said she likes to hurt white people while Trevor Noah laughed and Headland is bigoted in that she would rather hire homosexuals than straights and she practices nepotism by putting her girlfriends in the show. That alone lets you know that this is an unprofessional production with sexuality and gender overtones. There was not a selection process of seeking out the best when it came to making The Acolyte.
        penguinz0 tried to make excuses and said they were pressed for time. Well, I’d direct you to the making of Shogun and, if you are not on that level when making Star Wars, then, you don’t belong making Star Wars.

        I can’t judge Carly King because I don’t even know who the hell she’s talking about because her lecture was way too ambiguous and general. She could mouth off to me (which I don’t think she was doing) and I wouldn’t really care because she is like a perky Star Wars cheerleader or like one of the majorettes twirling the sabers like a baton and she does that for the love and so, there you go, that is a positive thing and there is your positivity. Glad she’s around. Fans like here are needed and so are the CosPlayers. They make things better. She would be very good in a fan film.

        John Campea is a character that makes me laugh. My buddy does an impression of him. Campea has great voice tone and delivery. I don’t normally watch him but he’s almost like a peak shill character and we have a good time mimicking him at home. Robert Meyer Burnett has great takes. Well thought out. In fact, Burnett and Chris Gore really bend my ear. They know their stuff.


        Checked out that lady’s channel really quick. Not for the eye candy, just wanted to see if she ever actually talks about star wars.

        Turns out she doesn’t, it’s pure emotional appeal. These “influencers” are totally fake, and synthetic. She just uses Star Wars as a skin suit and uses appeals to emotion as all subversives do. Maybe she was hand picked by Kathleen Kennedy herself.

        She’s clearly astroturfed. What’s so weird is making the force female in their eyes is so shallow.

        Like why did Kathleen want star wars in the first place? To make this garbage?

        It seems clear she never wanted to make great cinema, she never had a great inspiring message she wanted to tell, none of these freeloaders she brought on board did. They just wanted to steal our toy away and break it while laughing, thinking they’d get all the money and fame George did.

        I hope it was worth it for them, they are going to remembered by history as the greatest laughing stock in entertainment history.


        Influencers. That TV series about exorcists called “EVIL” has a great episode on influencers and how they fool people. They also made a company called VidTap, which was like their version of Tiktok and it was all about the engagement and, in the show, there was a demon in the algorithm. That show EVIL was kind of like The Boys, only with exorcists.

        This next gal literally looks like Carly King’s twin sister, only that she is a Star Wars influencer who agrees with the fans. Look, Kathleen, Headland, Carly can say whatever they want, but just once, wouldn’t you like to hear the truth? In all the wars fought for the USA, well over 90% of all combat deaths were Straight, White Men, the very same group that is now being marginalized by the group who made this awful Acoloyte show. That’s reality. Straight, White men died in all our wars, so that they could be replaced in Corporations, media, politics and banking. The real bigotry comes from Headland and making a show “the gayest ever” is a 100% certain way to ruin your product and drive away your fan base.

        So, Snarky Jay has problems with the show and some of her fans turn on her and she said, her whole channel came to fame by Star Wars and that she was a fan, but that The Acolyte team sucks and she’s obviously correct. Would say that the Draft should exclude Straight White Men until other groups make up for all the dying that SWM did in our real wars.

        So Carly has done a Chris Stuckmann and won’t say anything that isn’t positive about Star Wars. I guess the invitation from Disney worked. Look at the viewer numbers. If no one is watching, it’s dead. Unsubscibed from Stuckmann and from this channel too. All the best.



        I get the feeling that the creators of ‘The Acolyte’ wanted to do a LGBT+ female-led sci-fi show but knew that no-one would watch it and hence why they hijacked Star Wars hoping to bring in the pre-existing fanbase.

        I’d rather watch ‘Dune’ which I’m sure Star Wars is very loosely based on and is much more toned down than ‘Dune’.


        They call this dance, “The Acolyte.” She breaks out into it randomly at gas stations and stuff.

        Drinker and Nerdrotic should dance shirtless in black and white and whisper-mumble a response and tell them how it took them twenty minutes what it took her 72 hours to come up with. Even in cringe music videos, there is a lack of qualifications on the part of Sternberg. 3 days to come up with the Cringe Dance.

        Could see Chrissie Mayr coming up with something like this. Ha.

        BREAKING: Disney VP Discriminatory Hiring Practices: “There’s No Way We’re Hiring a White Male.”
        O’Keefe Media Group

        BREAKING: Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,” says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, “there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.”
        Giordano reveals Disney uses “code words and buzzwords” to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough.
        Giordano also admits Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), agreeing that “diversity helps with financial incentives.”
        Giordano further claims he’s been denied promotions due to his race.
        Stay tuned for The Disney Tapes: Part 2…


        @Comicsgate absolutely damning video. How any man could have so little respect for himself as to allow these assholes to walk all over them I will never understand.

        Fantastic video from Benny:

        It’s not wrong to call out poor media and to demand better while doing a bit of drama farming. This is how culture wars are fought and won.


        Carly talking about how the Trevor Noah interview about “The Hate U Give” was from years ago and had nothing to do with Star Wars. Amandla Sternberg is one of the top racists of a generation. Did you know that “The Hate U Give” book is REQUIRED reading in public schools?

        Rex Jones, the son of Alex Jones, went to school in Texas and even in Texas, the schools try to foster Racial guilt on whites starting at the earliest ages and Sternberg is right at the forefront of that psyop movement. Rex Jones was the one who exposed that The Hate U Give was mandatory to read in high school.
        By the time you graduate high school, the trance word “Racist” has been burned into your minds and is used to replace you and not admit you and not hire you. To think that Alex dgaf about his own son’s education. Even in Texas, the public schools hit these kids with indoctrination. Even in Texas!

        Did you know that Randi Weingarten is basically just like Leslye Headland, and that Randi Weingarten is in charge of your kid’s education?




        Amandla Sternberg in the Nazi version of Romeo and Juliet. The movie made less than 200K at the box office. You can watch it for free on YouTube. Never watched it. Not for me.
        Guess she was turned down for a role in Wakanda Forever because she was not black enough.
        One thing I’ll say about Zendaya, is, as far as I know, she didn’t use the Race Card as much, so she was far more professional.

        Synopsis: A rites of passage story of a bi-racial teen struggling for survival in Nazi Germany.




        It’s funny you should mention that. I’m planning to write up an article on Star Wras soon. Stay tuned Star Wars fans. You might not agree with me on everything…and that’s just fine. But I think you’ll agree with me on a alot where Stra Wars is Concerned. Stayed tuned becasue I’ll be putting up I finish some other projects.

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